Chapter 50

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"What an arrogant brat you are. Do you really think I'll let you escape that easily?" Few large-bodied men showed up behind him, intimidating the group as fear were starting to spread between them.

"Y/N. We should run." Minho suggested, knowing that he wouldn't be able to hold them off for long.

"Where to? The stairs?" He asked.

"Yeah, just head for the emergency stairs. I'll hold them off here and catch up to you."

"Will you?" Y/N asked, doubting him.

"Just trust me."

"Hey! I'm talking to you here!" The man from the opposite corridor shouted making them flinch.

"Oh, sorry. Your small presence made me forgot that you were here, Mr. Kwon. Also your voice was too small, because the sound of victory was ringing too loud." He challenged, as it made something snap inside the boss.

"Now's the time, Y/N. Go!" Y/N nodded and quickly took Eunbi by the hand, running towards the stairs with sounds of footsteps echoing.

"Do you think he'll be able to hold them off?" Eunbi asked.

"I'll trust him if he says so. My top priority is you, after all." He replied as he opened the door, running down as fast as he could. 2 levels later, a door swung open hard from below them as a scream followed.

"There!" Someone shouted as footsteps were gradually getting closer to them.

"Ya! They're coming from downstairs!" Eunbi said in fear. Y/N calmed himself down, and opened the door nearby.

"Go through here!" He said, as they plowed through the countless numbers of employees that were present. Not knowing what to do, all of the employees could only watch them as they ran, before spotting another set of security in front of them. Looking to the left, he ran towards the stairs and went down as far as he could before another one shows up.

"God, why are there a lot of them?! He must've used all of his money to hire these guys, knowing that he won't be able to get out of this mess, damn it. And what the hell is up with these stairs?! Why is this building so damn high?!" He panted, before glancing below and saw another set of bodyguards heading towards them.

Damn it! Where should I go to?!

"Oppa!" He heard a familiar voice calling to him, turning his head around and noticed that they were at the floor where both Minju and Chaewon were dropped."

"Go in here!" She said as they went inside a room where there's already Chaewon, quickly telling them to hide under the desk as she acted normally.

Minju pretended to be shocked as the security that were searching for them finally came and asked whether she had seen them. She pointed towards the stairs whereas they immediately took off.

She let out a sigh of relief, before walking back to the room telling them that she had already distracted them.

"Looks like the coast is clear. I'll go around and see if I can find a way out for you. Wait here." Minju walked away once more with her eyes wandering around the hall, leaving the three now who's keeping their voice low in case of danger.

"So, unnie. How does it feel after seeing your one and only love, Y/N-oppa? It's been a while, you know."

"Ya! Watch your mouth!" She whispered loudly before closing her mouth. Y/N could only si there awkwardly, letting them interact.

"It's a public secret, unnie. You don't have to hide it. You knew about it too, didn't you?"

"I uh..." Eunbi felt embarrassed, yet curious about the answer he's about to reply. Just then Minju came into the room and declared.

"Looks like everything's clear. You can go now, oppa."

The two of them got the message and quickly left the scene, before anyone else caught them.

"We'll catch up soon! Be careful!" Minju wished them the best of luck as she watched the two run away together hand-in-hand, having a grand escape on their own.

It didn't take long for them to encounter a set of bodyguards, as they immediately stopped. Fortunately for them, this one has the least bodyguards compared to the others. Not wanting to go back up, Y/N jumped one of the men, giving him a punch on the jaw making him paralyzed.

The other two marched towards Y/N, as he took a step back and launched himself forward with a jab to the stomach as he fell down in pain.

"I shouldn't have eaten too much..." He regretted his breakfast before passing out, as the last man lifted Y/N by the waist.

As he was about to throw him, Eunbi jumped into the action and instinctively kicked him on the knee making him unstable. Y/N took advantage of this and shook himself off of his hold before landing another kick to his knee.

Y/N took a stance, and said. "Be careful. I have a black belt."

"I don't care." He replied, as Y/N swiftly took the belt off his pants and swatted it into his face, as he groaned in pain.

"Told you." He landed one more punch to the jaw as he fell down, paralyzed like his other friend.

"They're here!" He shouted with all his might before they continued their escape.

"Literally a black belt? That joke was NOT necessary. He could've landed a good one on you had you failed to take it off in one motion." Eunbi scoffed at him.

"Come on, a little fun wouldn't hurt." They stopped at a floor just above the exit after hearing the ruckus that was coming from below.

"In here, noona!" Y/N pulled her by the wrist, making her stumble inside into the room he just opened.

"Wait here. Just a moment." Not far from their room is a door leading to an emergency stairs. He opened the emergency door, before leaving the door to close on itself as he ran back towards the room he had left her in.

"What did you do?" She asked. Just then, a scream came from down the hall.

"They went into the stairs!" Footsteps ran past them, meaning Y/N had succeeded in faking the securities. They let out a sigh of relief, waiting for a few moments before getting out to freedom.

"It's dark in here..." Eunbi said, amidst the situation.

"You won't do anything weird to me, will you?" She asked in a low voice, pouting at his hand.



"I'll ask Minju if she can clear the way out for us. Going through the front door is not an option, so we'll go through the back door." He opened his phone and texted her, with Eunbi staring at it with a warm smile.

"You really thought this through, didn't you?"

"Ng? Well, Minho-hyung also has his part with the escape plan we're doing."

"Still, you're the head of operation Y/N. You shouldn't have gone this far."

"It's okay, noona. You don't need to feel bad about me. This is what I wanted to do, after all."

"No, Y/N. That's not what I meant. Because if you do this... it'll just make me fall for you more."

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