Chapter 11

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"So, i'm gonna need you all to form a pair for a group assignment first." The professor said as the students started looking left and right looking for someone to pair up with.

"Oppa, should we become a couple?"


"Yes, as in coupling up for the group assignment." She said grinning.

"O-Oh... haha. Okay, let's couple up then." They both giggled.

"Want me to write down what the teacher asked us to do, oppa?"

"Sure. I'll also be writing my own notes in case you missed something."


Little time skip

"Okay, your chat went through, Minju-ya. I guess this is your contact?" He showed her her contact.

"Ng! That's mine! And also, oppa..."


"Are you doing anything after this?" She asked.

Say yes. SAY YES!!!

Eunbi glared at them from behind, as Y/N can feel the intense pressure.

"Sorry, i have something to do."

"Ah.. is that so, oppa? I was thinking that maybe we could hang out together." Minju pouted as she tidied up her bag.

"Sorry. Maybe next time? I promise i'll be available."

"Really?! How about this saturday?" She asked joyfully.

"Sure! I don't think i have anything coming up. But don't forget that we also have this group assignment."

"Oh yeah, right. I almost forgot about that." She playfully hit her head making Y/N chuckled.

"You're quite the clumsy girl, aren't you?" Y/N teased.

"Says the oppa who forgot his pen and his glasses." She pinched him by the side.

"Ouch, that tickles!" Eunbi looked at them as they both started getting well. But something.. didn't sit with her quite well.

"See you later, oppa?" She waved goodbye hesitatingly.

"Yup. See you later." Eunbi waited for Minju to get out of the class before hitting him on the back.

"Ow!! What was that for, noona?!"

"Ya. You're a fast learner, aren't you?!" She asked.

"I was acting based on how i usually am."

"Were you now? Okay then. I have to give that performance a 9/10. Could've been better, if you had just said yes to her offer."

"What offer? Ah... to hangout?"

"You dense mother-. Why didn't you accept her offer? If you had accepted it, then-"

"I would rather take things slowly, noona. Besides, i need to thank you for help don't i?"

"What's with you.. you could've thanked me later."

"But, i want to know more of you noona. I want to know every piece of you." Eunbi was taken aback by what he just said.

"Wha-What do you mean?"

"Well, since we both are gonna be together more, i was thinking that we should get to know each other more."

"A-Ah~ That's what you meant? Since you already rejected her date offer, then i guess we could go."

"Wait. That was a date offer?" Y/N looked at her confused.

[Completed] The Dating Master | Kwon Eunbi x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now