Chapter 47

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"Finally..!" A relief went out of Eunbi as she's finally done with the ridiculous amount of workload she was given by her 'father' earlier in the morning. She stretched out after sitting down on her desk for hours as Minuo showed up from the corner giving her a small clap for her work ethic.

"Great job. Now you can finally have your lunch." She replied with a smile as a man showed up from behind the door, with another load of paper placing it down on her desk.

"Not so fast. Finish this first, then you'll get to have your lunch. That is, If it's still lunchtime." He gave her an evil smile as Eunbi's fury was starting to arise.

"At least let me have my lunch first. I swear one of these days, I'll report you to the officials."

"Hah. Report me for what?"

"For enslaving without giving me any rest. Inhumane after hours without compensation."

"Oh, you naive kid. You should've known by now that you could never do anything. You could report all you want, but you'll get nothing out of it. You already lost the moment you were born. You should be grateful enough that I still pay you. Now work." He said sternly as he turned around, leaving her to have his lunch as he was starving.

Minho felt sympathy seeing Eunbi hadn't eaten any lunch yet, as he could only give her a look of worry. Eunbi on the other hand, gave him an ok sign and sat back down to continue her work.

"Don't you think you were being too rough with her?"

"Let her be. It's her duty, after all."

"But, what about you sir? What if she really plans on reporting you?"

"Then let her do it. Like I said earlier, she won't be able to lay a finger on me. Money speaks, Minho-ya. Like how I've always escaped the past accusations. No matter what she does, she won't be able to outsmart me. I'll always have a plan. As long as there's money, there's a way."

"I see." Minho said as a smile were drawn on his face, after succeeding in a suicide mission of his own.

Time Skip

"I see that you're finally finished with the unimaginable amount of work he has given you." He said to Eunbi who rested her head after setting aside the last paperwork.

"Yeah..." Eunbi replied as she got up and tidied up her desk before following him to the parking lot.

"How did I do earlier?"  Eunbi asked after they've gotten out of the building. The reason she was brave enough to threaten him in his own building is because of the plan Minho had told her prior. And that is to draw his anger out for him to spill everything he might say about his plans or his past doings.

"You did great. You managed to draw his emotions enough for him to spill some things out. He'll have a hard time on the court later, considering the things I've recorded earlier. All i need to do now is to give this file to Y/N later for him to take it to the guy he mentioned before."

"Great! I can't wait to see him fall soon. Then I'll be really free." Eunbi said with relief as she's now a step closer to finally letting herself slip away from her father's grasp.

Just then, an idea popped into Minho's head as a smirk came across his face.

"I think i have a better idea."

"What is it?"

"How about you give this file to Y/N instead?"

"WHAT?!" She screamed on top of her lungs, shooting up from her seat. "No way, no. I'm not ready to meet him yet."

"Haha, I'm just kidding. Besides, you might not want to leave once you see him." Eunbi could only glance out in silence, as what he said was quite spot on. A few moments after, they finally arrived as Minho pulled to the sides.

"Are you sure you don't want to come with me? I'm sure you miss him a lot." Minho offered once more, whereas Eunbi shook her head rejecting his offer.

"I do. But just as you said, I might not want to leave once I meet him."

"I can just drag you out of there if I had to do it. Then again, your 'boyfriend' might not want me to do that."

"He's not. Even though I wish he is. Now go, or I won't be able to hold myself back from going out." Not wanting to waste any more time, he walked up the apartment and knocked on his front door. The door opened revealing the man he wanted to meet himself as he handed him the recorder.

"Good evening, Y/N. Here. The recording you needed me to give to you."

"Sweet!" Y/N exclaimed. "The sooner we're able to progress, the better."His eyes were full of hope, as he glanced around hoping something else would show up. Or someone, to be exact.

"If you're looking for Eunbi-ssi, she's not with me."

"Oh." His shoulders then dropped down, after realizing the girl he wanted to see wasn't there with him.

"At the moment, to be specific." He continued.

"What do you mean?"

"She's there, in the car. Waiting." He pointed downstairs.

"Can i see her?"

"I'd advise you not to, since I already asked whether she wanted to come with me here or not. To which she answered no." His answer made Y/N disappointed, yet there's not much he can do about it and just agreed.

"Well in that case, tell her I said hi. Also, she's doing fine, right?"

"She is. You don't have to worry about that. Besides, she'll be back to your arms soon, no?" Y/N stood silent, not being able to come up with a retort.

"I'll be going back now. I'll wait for more information from you."

"Yeah. Be safe on your way home." Y/N waved as he watched Minho's figure disappear from his sight, before going back to his apartment.

"How was it? Did you give it to him? Was he alone at the apartment?" Eunbi started bombarding Minho with questions as soon as he opened the car door.

"Doesn't look like he's alone. I can hear girls chattering inside, which I assume to be your roommate."

"I see. I guess that's good then. Even though i didn't get to see it by myself, just knowing that he's not alone is enough to make me feel relieved. Even by just a bit." Minho nodded at her words before finally driving off the scene.

Just as Minho had driven by a few meters, there was a loud scream coming from their apartment making them startled.

"LET'S MEET AGAIN SOON!" Y/N's voice echoed through the neighborhood as he quickly went back inside his apartment before being caught by them. His scream made Eunbi giggle as she was reminded of his silly acts.

"I really do miss him. I hope this plan works."


"Oppa was that you who screamed just now?!" Minju asked as she had just finished her plate.

"Yeah. Sorry about that."

"Who was it, oppa?" Chaewon asked as she'd just finished her dinner alongside Minju.

"It was Minho-hyung. He gave me the thing Mr. Seonho told us to bring him."

"Already?! That's great! This means we're almost there, oppa." Minju said cheerfully as she walked over to the sink, placing her plate before walking to Y/N.

"Yeah. Now, we're one step closer to getting noona back."

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