Chapter 24

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"So, how was it like living there so far, oppa?" Minju asked as she's gazing at the river view enjoying the morning breeze. Her question made Y/N rather uncomfortable because it reminded him of what happened last night.

"Uhh... so far so good... haha..." He said trying not to sound suspicious. But unfortunately Minju caught notice of it.

"Did something happen? You sounded weird just now."

"N-Nothing's wrong." He stuttered making Minju even feel more like something suspicious had happened.

"Are you telling me the truth?" She asked one more time.

"Yup." He answered shortly hoping that she would drop the topic. To which, it worked! But...

"Oh, okay then. I believe you oppa."

Time skip

After the date.

I wonder if noona still feels bothered by what i did to her. ....yeah. She probably still does. *sigh* why did you do that, Y/N. I mean, the kiss felt good. And noona somehow looks more beautiful than usual, even though she usually is. But what is this feeling....

Y/N pondered as he walked home alone after walking Minju to her place. He looked up at the sky with a song echoing through the streets coming from a street vendor.

Am i acutally in love with her?

Just then, a ringtone rang as Y/N felt vibration coming from his phone. He opened to see that it was Chaewon calling him.


"Y/N-oppa? Where are you?"

"I'm on my way home. Why?"

"It's... Eunbi-unnie... She...."


"Why? What's wrong with her?" Chaewon didn't respond as Y/N's starting to think that something bad happened to her.

"I'll hurry home." Y/N said before he hung up the phone as he speed-walked down the sidewalk.

Please be okay.

Time skip

Y/N hurriedly reached for his key and rattled his keys into the keyhole. He opened it frantically seeing the void inside his room when all of a sudden

*boom* *boom*

Confettis flying in front of him making him show a dumbfounded look on his face.

"What?" He continued to be stunned as he looked around seeing only girls, including the ones he doesn't know.

"I'm sure you don't know who these girls are Y/N. She's Kang Hyewon. Not our closest friend, but still a friend. And this one is Lee Sian, Eunbi-unnie's friend in high school." Chaewon started explaining to Y/N.

"What are you all doing here?" He asked.

"Well. Since we just recently moved in, we decided to make a housewarming party! Yay!" Chaewon celebrated as the others followed her, except for this one girl who seemed to be doing it awkwardly.

Please don't go too far....


"A party?"

"A housewarming party! Since we just moved here, and you have friends next to our place, we could celebrate it! Oh, and we could invite Hyewon-unnie too." She said as she got her phone out and starting texting to someone.

"And what plan do you have in mind with the party?"

"Oh you'll see~. We should invite everybody first. We'll gather everyone but Y/N. We'll keep this a secret from him."


"So we can all support you!"

"YOU WH- No. No one has to know that i have feelings towards him."

"Okay fine~ we'll keep it a secret."


"Let's gather in a circle!" Chaewon said as she controls where the others would sit. Little did Eunbi know, that there was one other person who knows of this secret. It was none other than Sian.

She sat herself next to Eunbi as Chaewon sat next to Y/N, moving to the next plan.

"We'll play the king game!" Eunbi almost spat out the drink she was drinking in contrast with the others who was cheering.

"I already have the chopsticks set up with numbers as well as the mark of who the king. The one who chooses the one with the mark will give command by telling two random numbers to do something! For example, number 3 will slap number 5, and so on and so forth. Any questions?"

"Uh, yes. I do. Are you sure you wanna play this game? 'cause i'm a guy, and...."

"Oh it's okay. It's just mild commands." She said assuring Y/N.

Unless it's me or Sian-unnie that's the king.

"Okay everyone! Pick up the chopsticks" They all picked it up and Irene was the chosen one.

"Irene-unnie! Give us the command." Chaewon said.

"Number 1 and number 2 will.... dance to the song Naughty." It was Seulgi and Y/N who has the number that Irene had picked. Seulgi did it perfectly as they ended it with the chorus. Y/N on the other hand, broke his fingers the moment the song started.

Of course, it's just an exaggeration.

"Now that the command has ended, put the chopsticks back in so we can have another go!" This time it was Hyewon who was chosen.

"Number 3 and number.... 5 will hug each other for 10 seconds." The others gasped as they checked their own numbers to confirm. It was Eunbi and... none other than Chaewon.

Eunbi let out a sigh of relief as Chaewon clicked her tongue.

After an embarrassing 10 seconds of hugging, the game continued a few rounds until it was Chaewon's turn to get picked.

YES!!!! Chaewon celebrated within herself. She glanced at Sian who was trying to peek Eunbi's number.

Lucky her, Eunbi was lacking so she got a perfect view of her number.

2..... Chaewon thought as she looked at her hands showing the number. By this time she already had seen Y/N's number, which means it's time for the showdown.

"Now, i want number 2 to be blindfolded first."

"What??" Eunbi screamed feeling like she's gonna be bamboozled as Sian then took out a piece from her back without her noticing. Eunbi just let herself be thinking that she has no other choice.

"Number 3 will give a backhug to number 2! And after that number 3 will open the blindfold and turn number 2 around!"

"Ya! Isn't that too specific?!!"

"My command can't be disobeyed~" Chaewon teased to Eunbi as she glanced at Y/N showing a sign of defeat. He was seemingly reluctant doing it as Chaewon told the others to not get any sound out in fear of being found out.

Y/N slowly lowered himself and wrapped his arms around her to give her the backhug as ordered by the 'king'. The both of their heartbeat is rising as the others could feel heat coming from them.

Hyewon and Sian are covering their eyes with their hands even though they still could see through it, meanwhile Irene, Seulgi and Chaewon just enjoyed the view looking at how cute they looked.

"Now open the blindfold!" Chaewon said as Y/N let go of the hug with his face now red. He turned her around making their eyes accidentally met sparks flew as they threw their attention off immediately. The others cheered  but Y/N couldn't take it anymore.

"I'm sorry girls, but i'm gonna go out for a bit." Y/N quickly took his coat and walked out quickly to the door making the others fell silent.

[Completed] The Dating Master | Kwon Eunbi x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now