Chapter 6

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3rd POV

What's up with her? Why did she all of a sudden asked me to go home together? Is she planning something? Should i start talking to her? What if she finds me weird? Wait. She's the one that asked me in the first place. She should be the one initiating the talk. But i can't be like that, she's the only one that has talked to me the whole day! Well, at least besides the guy this morning, what was his name? Y.. Y/N?

Eunbi thought to herself as they're sitting together in the empty bus.

"So... unnie." Chaewon finally spoke up after staying silent since they walked from the school.


"I haven't introduced myself, have i? My name is Kim Chaewon." She extended her hand.

"I'm Kwon Eunbi. But you probably knew because of the introduction earlier huh? haha." Eunbi awkwardly said as she shook Chaewon's hand.

"Oh, no unnie. I already knew about you before that."

"You knew? That means you knew about the 'news' too, right?" She nodded.

"B-but then.. why are you-"

"I don't know, unnie. I just felt like i had to talk t-" Eunbi then hugged Chaewon out of gratefulness. After a whole day of not talking to anyone nor anyone talking to her, she finally gets someone to talk to. Words can't explain how much Chaewon's approach meant to her.

"Thank you! Thank you, Chaewon-ah!" Eunbi said as she kissed her cheeks deeply.

"O-Okay, unnie, you can let go now. I can't breath."

"Oops, sorry. I'm just really thankful that you want to talk to someone like me, even after you heard about me." Eunbi said as she lets go of the hug , giving Chaewon space to breath.

"It's okay, unnie. You can count on me. Hehe."

....She's an angel. No doubt about it. Eunbi thought to herself as she sees the eye blinding smile from Chaewon.


"Chaewon-ah. Since when have you started being friends with her?" My friend asked me as soon as i came to class.

"Since she transferred here. So i guess it's been a month or so? What's wrong?"

"Did she threaten you? You can tell me now since she's not here!" Chaewon giggled at her friends sudden conspiracy theory.

"What?? Don't talk nonsense, Yeonhee-ah. She's not threatening me. It's me who volunteered to be her friend. I was scared of her too at the start, but now i'm not. She even stayed over at my place once! My bed is a bunk bed and when i asked her which bed she wanted, she said she'll take the top bunk as she threw her doll up there. She has her own doll, Yeonhee-ah! She's so cute!! In fact, why don't you try to talk to her? She's really nice once you get to know her."

"No... thank you. I'm scared of her." Her face showed a terrified face as is she's facing a monster.

"Come on.. it won't hurt."

"Sorry, Chaewon-ah. But i'll still be your friend though. And i'll protect you if she did anything to you." She said as she sticks up her broom as if trying to protect Chaewon.

"Aww~ thanks. And no, Yeonhee-ah. She won't do anything to me. You can put the broom down now. It's dirty."

Chaewon did everything she could to get everybody to try and talk to Eunbi, but no one would dare to try. Eunbi would told her to just give up, but Chaewon wouldn't stop. She kept trying, and trying to no avail.

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