Chapter 45

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Y/N's apartment was filled with silence, in contrast to the mess he had gotten into a few hours prior. He lied down on his bed, currently thinking of a way to make Minho's plan become a reality.

Not being able to come up with anything solid after an hour of brainstorming, he decided that it was pointless to force himself and grabbed a glass of water to calm his brain.

"Oppa? You're still awake." A noise broke the silence as her voice filled the room. Minju, who was still fully awake, then went out of the room.

"It was like this yesterday as well, wasn't it? I was about to grab a water, when i saw you here and... look at where we are now." Minju said as Y/N smiled at her.

"Could you possibly be thinking of what Minho-oppa said earlier?" Minju assumed.

"Yeah. I'm still thinking about how I can actually do it."



"Mr. Kwon has been committing tax fraud for about 10 years, and he has never been caught until now. There have been multiple occasions where he's about to be caught, But of course, money speaks on his behalf. I've witnessed it a few times for myself that the evidence would just vanish into thin air, as well as the people who reported in the first place going missing after that."

"Yikes. So he just kidnaps people that bailed on him?" Y/N asked.

"More or less. So here's what i'm planning to do. We're gonna need to find someone from the government, who's principled enough and won't be swayed by the amount of money he'll offer. Once we find that person, I'll try and do whatever's necessary for me to gather the evidence needed to report a fraud."

"How can we find such a person to help us? Also, the government?"

"Yeah. The government. We need to act fast, Y/N. I won't stay idle, as I'll also help you in finding this person. But i won't be able to do much or else he'll suspect me. I'm counting on you, Y/N."


"Minju-ya. I've been thinking." Y/N placed down his glass of water, turning to Minju who's already sipping on her water.

"Oh. Feels like déjà vu. So, what do you have in mind, oppa?"

"I'm gonna need to ask Mrs. Kwon's to help us. You know, maybe she has some connections that can lend us an aid."

"Not a bad idea. But what will you do if she said she doesn't?"

"Then we'll try to think of something else, of course."

"Okay. We'll go together then." Minju said as she placed down her glass of water, smiling at Y/N before approaching him by the sofa.

"Minju-ya. You don't have to do that."

"It's what i want to do, oppa. "

"No, I'm serious, Minju-ya. I don't want anything to happen to you. Remember when Mr. Kwon switched his gaze to you when he threatened us? Remember that?"

"But you'll be there for me, won't you? Also he didn't do anything to me yesterday."

"I know, but he might the next time we meet him again, who knows. I don't want to risk your safety."

"Oppa we've gotten this far already. I've already resolved that I want to see this through. With you, oppa. Together. Can you please let me do that?" Minju kept persisting as Y/N's defense was getting weaker and weaker. In the end, Y/N had no choice other than to let her come.

"We should get some sleep then. I'll be going first, oppa. Sleep well." Y/N watched her as she walked inside her room.

"This does feel like déjà vu."

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