Chapter 18

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"Hello?" Y/N answered his phone as it rang twice.

"Y/N? Are you done with your date already?"

"Yeah. I brought her home just now. I'm heading home right now, is something wrong?"

"Ah... just asking. So we already made plans to come and survey the place out on Monday. Does that sound good?"

"Mm. Oh by the way noona."


"Is it okay if i come with Minju? She told me she wants to come with us."

"....what did you tell her?"

"I told her that i'll be living with you."

You told her that?!!!

"Yeah. Is something wrong?"

Y/N heard a loud sigh from the other side of the phone making him confused.

"Was i supposed to not tell her?"

"Forget it. It might actually be a good thing that you told her now. So she'll come with us?"

"Yup. The 4 of us."

"Alright then. So... how was the date? Did it go well?"

"More or less. Yeah. We both had fun!"

That's good....

Eunbi answered dispiritedly making Y/n concerned.

"Noona? You don't sound too good."

"Mm? Ah.. i just got home after a tiring day. That's all."

That's barely the reason. The main reason for it was because Eunbi felt a bit jealous because he was having fun with other girls than her, but she still didn't want to admit it.

"I see. Get some rest, okay noona?"

I'll do that. Be careful on your way home, Y/N.

"Mm, noona."


Eunbi stared at the ceiling as she threw her hand onto the bed with the other covering her eyes.

You shouldn't feel like this, Kwon Eunbi.... He's already committed to her. You can't possibly take him away from her, can you?


She let out a deep breath as she laid on her side hugging the pillow tightly.

"Stupid Y/N. What have you done to me...."


The 4 of them introduced each of themselves to each other as they started walking to the first 2 apartments on the list. The first one they went to was quite unexpected as it was barely similar to the photos that were shown on the web. Deciding that they had seen enough, they said they'll think about it and left even though they already knew that they won't be staying at that place due to hygiene reasons.

The second place they went to was quite satisfying, or they can say perfect as everything seems in place and matched with their own preferences. They were about to make a deal when they finally saw the terms & conditions that seems too much for them to abide to. Just a single mess up and they'll have to pay quite the money to compensate for it.

"Noona. Is something wrong?" Y/N asked as Eunbi looked like she was about to pass out at any moment.

"Eh?Just a bit exhausted, that's all." She said as she held the top of her head.

[Completed] The Dating Master | Kwon Eunbi x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now