Chapter 22

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I... i need to let go before it's too late!

Eunbi said as her eyes widened at what her instinct made her do making her snap out of it.

She then grabbed his shoulder letting go of the kiss. They were both panting looking into each other's eyes before she leered away.

"I-I'm sorry, Y/N. I didn't know what came to me. Let's get-" Just as Eunbi was about to get up, she felt her shoulders being pinned down as his hands are now on hers on it.

"Y-Y/N?" Her voice trembled being in fear of what's about to happen next. He felt his eyes becoming more charming as she felt herself getting sucked in it. Y/N who was breathing heavily as well then said.

"Noona. I'm sorry too."

"Wha-" She found her lips being attacked by the guy. She was resisting at first before slowly surrendering to his approach as her left hand slowly raised nearing his face.


"Hey, are you guys in here 'cau-"

Chaewon's face turned from a worry to a
👁👄👁 in a second seeing her unnie she adores so much as well as the guy she's interested in kissing deeply. The both of them quickly let go of each other after noticing her come in.

"I'm so sorry. Please. Continue. I'll wear my noice- i mean noise-cancelling headphones so you guys don't have to worry about a thing." Chaewon quickly closed the door back leaving the two now in a more awkward atmosphere than before.

"I... i'm gonna go out first noona. I need to calm myself down."

"N-Ng... don't be back too late."

Y/N hummed in response before walking like a robot on a mission and disappeared from her view.

Kwon Eunbiii what have you done?!!!


"The guy is finally back!" Jimoon said to Y/N as he's gulping down his first shot of the night.

"Pwah! Shut up dude."

"I've heard from Baejoon. Been busy huh? So, how many chicks have you gotten?" He teased.

"Oh please. I'm just chasing one girl, that's all."

"Stop joking, Jimoon-ah. So, Y/N. How's it going so far?" Baejoon said interupting Jimoon who then sulked as he gulped down the bottle.

"It's been good, Joon-ah. In fact, i might be dating her soon!" Y/N said cheerfully.

"Really?! Then, let's celebrate in advance! For Y/N!" Baejoon said as he offered a toast. They cheered loud as the sound of glass hitting each other echoed throughout the tent full of people.


After laying down on her bed thinking about what she just did to her 'student' for the longest time, she got up from her bed and got out of her room to take a glass of water after the whole incident earlier.

She then spotted Chaewon who was chilling by their sofa playing with her phone.

Being her mind being filled by Y/N, she ignored her and went straight to the kitchen without saying anything to her. But of course, Chaewon noticed her going out from her bedroom.

"Unnie. We need to talk." She said taking off her headphones as Eunbi then let out a sigh walking to her spot with her glass in hand.

"I left you for an hour and-"

"It's not what it looks like!" Eunbi chimed in.

"Oh yeah? Then explain to me why my ice cream melted as soon as i opened your room door!"

[Completed] The Dating Master | Kwon Eunbi x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now