Chapter 41

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“...nothing. We got nothing.” Chaewon spoke after a session of brainstorming, they realized that they weren't able to do anything much.

"We're gonna need an insider to help us, or else we won't be able to infiltrate." Y/N replied.

"I don't have any acquaintances that's working there at the moment. Do you guys have any?"

The other two shrugged their head as their plan of getting Eunbi back seemed to be getting dimmer by the second.

“Should we try and talk about it again tomorrow? It's getting late after all." Y/N suggested as Chaewon replied.

"I guess. Wanna get dinner while we're on the way, oppa?" 

"Sure. The usual?"

"Correct. Want to come with us, Minju?" Chaewon asked the timid girl as she looked up at them asking.

"Actually.. i have something i wanna ask you guys now that both of you are at it." 

"What is it?"

"Can i stay over? Just for today?"

Both Chaewon and Y/N looked at each other wondering about the reason before Y/N answered.

"Well you can, but is there any reason you want to stay over?"

"Not really. I just want to know how it feels to sleep in another place that's not my home. Except for hotels and such, of course." She said as Y/N kept wondering whether she had an ulterior motive in doing so.

"Well be our guest, Minju-ya. Should we let her use Eunbi-noona's room, Chaewon-ah?"

"I'm not so sure, oppa. But knowing unnie, i think she won't mind. So yes."

"Yay! Thank you!" Minju celebrated as the three continued on their walk back, buying a dinner to-go before they headed to their apartment.

Time skip

After eating dinner they had bought, they decided to just watch a movie since it was still pretty early to be sleeping. Y/N suggested a movie called Eyes on you as he turned the movie on.

After watching the movie while consuming the snacks and coffee they had prepared beforehand, they decided that it was time to drop into dreamland.

As Y/N dropped onto his own, he closed his eyes attempting to sleep. He threw himself all over the bed not being able to, due to his mind being clouded with thoughts on how to get his noona back.

Not long after, he opened his phone showing 2 A.M. as he decided to get up and make a warm cup of milk before actually trying to sleep. He walked towards the kitchen, picking up milk powder and dropping two spoons of it into the mug.

As soon as he was done, he heard a door creak open revealing a girl coming out from Eunbi's room.


“Ng? Ya. Minju-ya. You’re still awake?”

“Yeah.. that coffee i drank earlier sure worked a lot. I need to drink some water.”

“Here.” He handed her the warm milk he had just made as she took it by the handle.


“Drink this. It might help make you feel sleepy.”

“Oppa you don’t have to do that. I can just make one instead.”

“I insist. I just made it too so it’s still warm.” 

“If you say so. Thanks, oppa.”

Y/N proceeded to prepare himself with one more cup as the two started a small talk on how the semester was about to start and they had to get back to studying. Soon after he was done, they sat in the dimly lit living room having only a small night light from the socket.

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