Chapter 39

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                             I am.

The girl thought to herself as she gazed at the beauty right in front of her reflected by the mirror.

This is one of the worst days I've ever lived. Never in my life would I've thought that I was going to be an employee, at an agency that's run by whose name I won't even mention. 


"Ms. Eunbi? The car is ready for you right outside. Your father is already waiting for you." A man said.

"Give me a second." She proceeded to put on her pair of high heels that was given the day before, then walked towards the car that had been prepared.

There, his father was already waiting for her presence as he gave her a light smile. She shrugged it off as she scoffed before looking out of the window, not even sparing a glance at him.

“Are you ready for your first day on the job?” He asked.

“Don’t talk to me. I’m not in the right mood right now.”

“Ouch. Okay, miss Manager.” 

“Don’t you even dare lay a hand on Y/N, or even one of my friends.”

“Pssh. Like you can do anything to me. You need to remember where you are right now.”

Time skip

"So here's your desk." He appointed her to a desk near his office, where everything had been set up for her to do her official work. Then she was told to sit on the chair, and as she did, Minho seemed to have gone inside his boss's office. The boss himself was waiting for him to come out from the door making sure that Eunbi wasn't doing anything weird.

"Okay… here's the pile of work." Minho said as he got out of the office with a stack of paper covering his chest. Eunbi's eyes widened when she saw how much she has to do, almost ranting at her father. Directly.

"Are you serious?" She asked.

"Yes. I'm afraid I am. You'll be tasked to sort all of these financial reports and report all of them to me within a week."

"A week?! I don't even know how to start!"

"Don't worry about that. Like I said before, there will be someone who will guide you through all of this report. Minho-ssi, can you please call Ms. Son?"

"Oh. Right away, sir."


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"Ms. Son here will help you throughout all of the reports that need to be taken care of. Can I leave you to her, Ms. Son?"

"Yes sir." She bowed to the boss, giving a light smile.


A few weeks later

Eunbi was on her way to the agency, now alone with Minho who was the one who had almost brought her back to her father’s place once before.

“Are you starting to get the hang of your job, miss?” Minho opened the conversation to break the ice.

“More or less.” She replied annoyingly, making him sigh out of worry. 

“I’m sure you still feel a bit upset about your father kidnapping you, bu-”

“A bit upset isn’t even enough to show how I'm feeling right now. I would’ve run away if I could. But I knew it would put my friends in danger if I do so.”

“You’re really worried about your friends, aren’t you? But Ii’m sure, the one whom you’re most worried about is that younger kid, isn’t it? What was his name? Y/N?”

“You too? Tsk. Even if Ii am, that’s all Ii can do. Just worrying about him. What makes it worse is that I never even said goodbye to him. Who knows what he thinks of me now.”

“I’m sure he still loves you no matter what.”

“What do you know, Mr. Kidnapper.”

Stay calm, Minho-ya. She’s still a kid

Once they reached the agency, he opened Eunbi’s side of the door, and she stepped outside of the car. He closed and locked it behind him as he walked outside of the parking lot now heading towards the building. As he was walking towards the door, he noticed that 3 kids just came out of the building, then he felt that one of them seemed familiar. And that’s when he recalled it.

Wait. It’s that kid who was with Miss Eunbi before. And his two other friends. Could they have come here to look for her?

He threw his gaze away making sure that they wouldn’t notice him staring at them before he glanced once more making sure that it was truly them.

I wonder if she knew about the three kids coming here earlier. Could she have seen them? Probably not, right? Since she hasn’t said anything to me about them since the ride earlier. I wonder what she could’ve done earlier if she knew? Would she have run towards them asking for help? But knowing her, she must’ve known that the boss would do something about them if he knows about it. Which is why she’s probably keeping silent, if that is even the case.

Time skip

“Minho-ya. Would you mind coming with me for some lunch together?” Mr. Kwon appeared from the other side of the door, surprising Minho whose head was still up in the clouds   

“Is it lunch time already?” He looked at the watch he had on his wrist. “It’s still 10.30 A.M.”

“I can have an early lunch once in a while, can’t Ii? Come with me. You can just leave her alone.”

“Uhh… sure…”

Minho left the girl who’s still following the instructions from her guide as he followed his employer going down the lift towards where he parked his car. Just as he was driving through the city towards his usual lunch destination, the thought of Eunbi being a financial manager doesn’t seem to match up with what he was tasked the first time with. 

Feeling a bit off by the change of plans, he decided to confront his boss about it when he felt like it was the right time to do so.

“Sir, may i ask you a question?” Minho asked. 

“Fire away Minho-ya. What is it?”

“I’m sorry if I sound like I'm prying into things, but may I know the reason you’re making her work as a financial manager? If I remember correctly, my task before was to bring her back for you to make her be a model under your agency. Why the sudden change?”

“Oh haven’t I told you about it before?” He looked up at him in a surprised manner. Minho shook his head.

“Really? You could’ve said something. So, I'm not really making her a financial manager.”

“What do you mean? But she’s currently learning to become one isn’t she?”

“What I'm saying is that her becoming a financial manager is just a temporary occupancy. I was thinking of making her become a model and do it as that. But then, a thought went through my head. I always wondered why I had never thought about this before.”

“And what is that plan, sir?”

“I have a certain plan in my head, where the financial report that she worked on doesn’t match up, and that there seems to be a large amount of money missing. Once I’ve done that, I’ll put all the blame on her, and leave her with no choice other than become a model under my agency. If she’s not willing to become a model, then Ii can report her to the police and slam her into jail, just like how she served jail time before. ”

[Completed] The Dating Master | Kwon Eunbi x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now