Chapter 26

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"Of course it was because i wanted to know how to kiss. What are you implying noona?"

"Oh really? I thought that it was the latter."

"It's not! Well... the truth can't be said the same after that." Y/N spoke.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"I... i don't even know how to say it. All this time i only saw her as my cute mentor, and as a friend. But after that kiss? Everything felt different."

"Different how?"

"I started to see her like... as a woman. I never would've thought that i would feel like this towards her."

"Oh~. Are you saying that you might be interested in her?" Irene nodded.

"I thought you might say that. To be honest i don't know. Maybe it's like that, but i don't really know. But if that's the case then what should i even do? I have Minju whom i'm making a move on right now, so i can't possibly just ditch her like that."

"But you can't really ignore your feelings just like that either can you?" Y/N shrugged his head.

"Hm.... maybe you should think about it more. Who you really want to be with. Minju? Whom you're already making moves on? Or... will it be Eunbi?"

"There!" A girl's voice called out turning their attention to them.

"Oh! Well what do you know. You should clear things up with Eunbi for now so she won't get any wrong ideas. Think thoroughly about this so you won't make the wrong choice Y/N." Irene got up leaving Y/N as she pulled Seulgi away from them leaving the two standing awkwardly.

"You were searching for us." Y/N said breaking the silence.

"Yeah...." She answered lowly.

Here goes nothing...

"Noona, i'm sorry that i ran away just now."

"Ng? You don't have to apoligize for that Y/N. It's Chaewon who should be apologizing to you. You must've felt uncomfortable huh? Hugging me and all..."

"N-No! On the contrary, i liked it!"

"Eh?!" Y/N said in the heat of the moment. A milisecond later he realized what he had said as he quickly tried thinking on how to fix it.

"I-I mean, i liked it of course. But i ran away because i was afraid that you might've felt disgusted by me hugging you."

"What are you talking about? How could i be disgusted?"

"Well noona, you're a former model right? Surely you would've preferred more to be hugged by another model, or maybe someone more good-looking than me."

"You're an idiot aren't you?" She said making Y/N surprised.


"If i was really that kind of girl, i wouldn't waste my time teaching you, helping you go on dates and stuff."

"That does make sense.... in that case i'm sorry noona. I'm sorry for thinking that way." He bowed fo her as Eunbi gets flustered by his action.

"N-No! It's okay, Y/N. As long as you didn't feel weird by it, it's fine by me."

"Still. I feel bad for running away just like that. Do you want me to do something to make you feel better?"

"I don't know. I don't feel like i need anything at the moment."

"In that case, you can save it noona. Just think of it as 'Y/N's pass' or stuff like that. You could use it whenever you want to, and i'll do it no matter what."

[Completed] The Dating Master | Kwon Eunbi x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now