Chapter 19

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Y/N took Minju home after the situation that had occurred earlier. It was a massacre as the girls that will be their soon neighbor is the ones that they're already familiar with.


"Sian?!!" The girl jumped to the girl who was in front of her making them fumble back to the ground. Meanwhile the other two girls were looking at Y/N with him looking back at them as well.

"You're the guy that helped me with my books..."

"Good to meet you again, sunbae." Y/N bowed to her.

"Unnie, you know this guy?"

"We stumbled upon each other while at the campus. You know him too?" She nodded answering her.

"He saved me from getting crashed into a motorcycle that was going fast into my direction." Y/N's eyes then widened after realizing who he was.

"You're that girl!" Y/N pointed at her.

"Yup! That's me! Hehe. I guess that means that you're our hoobae."

"Hoobae? Ah~ Does that mean-"

"Yup! We're both in the same campus. The same as the girl that.... Sian?" Seulgi looked at the girl who was talking with Eunbi still down.

"Do they know each other?" The both of them shrugged at Y/N's question.

"Unnie! I missed you so much!!" She rubbed her head left and right at Eunbi as she struggled to let go of herself from the giant girl.

"I... can't... breathe!!"

"Sorry. Let's go talk somewhere else!" She got up lifting Eunbi and took her by the hand as the both of them then walked away. This all happened in 3 seconds.

"Chaewon, you can go home first!" Eunbi managed to talk to Chaewon before she left.

The girls and Y/N looked at each other in confusion after what just happened in front of their eyes, but just shrugged it off as they greeted themselves and headed home.

Flashback end

"Minju-ya? Why do you look so blue?" Y/N asked to the frown-looking Minju as her face looked like she was having the worst day of her life.

"Ng? A-Ah..... it's.... i was a bit sad that it turns out you know a lot of girls. You're quite popular oppa. I bet you were popular too in high school." Minju said smiling lightly.

"Not really.... in fact. I was a loner."

"Really?" Minju asked not believing in what he just said.

"Yeah. I have no luck with girls at all. I do have friends that helped me quite a lot back then, but i always mess it up back then. Hehe."

"Oh really?"


"ʷᵉˡˡ, ʸᵒᵘ'ʳᵉ ᵈᵒᶦⁿᵍ ᵍʳᵉᵃᵗ ᵗʰᶦˢ ᵗᶦᵐᵉ..." Minju said low enough making sure Y/N didn't hear it.

"What was that?"

"Nothing. Anyway, you can stop here oppa. My house is just around the corner." She said stopping around as she turned to him with her hands behind her back.

"Alright then. Guess i'll be go-" She quickly swooped at him and tiptoed just a bit giving him a light peck on his cheeks making him frozen.

"I won't lose, oppa." She pointed at him with a determined look for a moment before it turned into a smile.

"See you at the campus!" She walked back to her house as Y/N was still frozen in place. His hand moved up to his cheeks rubbing the spot where she had landed the kiss making him flustered by a bit.

I'm supposed to be happy, but.... what is this feeling?

D-day of Moving in

The three then asked for a service to help them move in their boxes and drove to their new apartment. Due to their clumsiness not giving their names in the boxes, they decided to tell the guys to just place it into the living room so that they could sort it all out first before moving it to their own rooms. It took them quite a lot of time before they finished sorting it and moving it. 

Y/N decided to help the two girls move theirs first since their boxes were quite heavy and will move his own last.

"Oppa, are you sure you don't want us to help with anything?" Chaewon asked him as she placed down the last box of her belongings. Eunbi can be seen walking past them as she's bringing her last box to her room.

"It's fine. I can do it by myself. It's not that much anyway."

"Okay. We'll just treat you for dinner tonight how about that?"

"Um..... sure. You two should hurry up and finish then."

"Okay! See you later." Chaewon said as she walked inside her room. Y/N then glanced at Eunbi's room looking at her who just placed the last box wiping her sweat from her forehead. Y/N saw this and grabbed a couple of tissues as well as a water bottle for her.

"Good job noona." Y/N said handing her the bottle. Eunbi let out a sigh out of exhaustion and grabbed it as she sat down on top of her bed.

"Thanks. Shouldn't you be starting to move in your boxes?" She gulped down the bottle giving it to him after.

"Do you need help with anything before i start?"

"I don't think so." Eunbi looked around her room scanning for anything he could help with.

"Okay." He walked out of her room closing the door behind it as Eunbi watched him.

I'm gonna be living with him starting today huh?

Eunbi's heartbeat gradually getting faster at the thought of living with another guy.

Come on, Kwon Eunbi. He has a girl he likes now.


"Anything i can do to help oppa?" Minju who just got done with her class caught up to Y/N's place as soon as she was done. Y/N was only half done when she arrived so there's not much that she could do other than chill.

"Nothing. Just sit here in the living room while i'm moving my boxes to my room." Y/N said as he's grunting picking up the huge box in front of him.

"Okay...." Minju said dispiritedly making Y/N feel bad.

"Fine. Can you please take this box to my room?" Her face lit up as she stood up instantly answering him.

"Okay!" She walked happily to the set of boxes lifting the smallest one bringing to his room. The work that should've taken longer now has gotten shortened because Minju was now there to help him. Minju placed down the last of it behind his door room as she let out a sigh of relief.

"Phew! It's all done now."

"Thanks, Minju-ya. You did a great job!" He rubbed the top of her head as her face's started to get redder each stroke.

"Since you helped me moving the boxes, i'll treat you to some food." He said making feel joy.

"Yay!" She raised her hands up in the air like a kid who just won a prize making Y/N giggle at her actions.

"Should we go out now? Or do you want to rest first?" Y/N asked her.

"" Y/N nodded at her offer as the both of them walked out of the place. Unbeknownst to them, there was a girl that witnessed the whole thing unfold.

Eumb closed the door back as she leaned against the door resting her head on top of her knees.

Don't be like this, Kwon Eunbi..... don't let your feelings get in his way....

[Completed] The Dating Master | Kwon Eunbi x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now