Chapter 28

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"So, we'll be going to Gangwon?" Y/N confirmed to the both of his housemate after he told them their destination.

"Irene-noona told me about it earlier. Are you guys still in?"

"I don't mind. And i'm sure Eunbi-unnie wouldn't mind too."

"Okay, now that's done, i'll tell Minju about this. You guys should tell this to that other girl too, who was it.... Ah! Hyewon!"

"Sure, i'll do that."

"Okay, everything sounds great. I'm gonna go out now, you want anything?"

"I'm fine, unnie?"

"You....." Eunbi who was daydreaming answered. Her constant answer made Chaewon almost gasped as Y/N's face showed confusion.

"I'm sorry what?" Y/N's question made Eunbi realize as to what she just answered. Her lips started trembling slightly before she thought of an answer.

"You... Yu san seul! (A certain dish) Or... maybe some fried chickens for dinner? It's been a long time since i ate that so maybe you could bring back some chicken and beer later."

"....sure. Chicken and beer sounds great. I'll tell you when i'm about to go home."

"Okay, stay safe." Eunbi said as he walked out of the door. She let out a sigh of relief after having almost blatantly confessing her feelings to her as Chaewon slapped her on the back.

"Unnie, you're getting aggressive lately. Someone seems threatened."

"No! I was just thinking...."


" will the rooms be? It's all girls plus 1 guy."

"Right.... maybe i should be in the same room with him."


"I don't know unnie. He seems pretty cute." Chaewon winked her right eye towards Eunbi as she watches like 👁👄👁.

"I'm kidding! I'm sure Irene-unnie has the room distributions sorted out. Believe in her."

"I guess. What should we do now?"

"Hm.... we haven't told Hyewon about this have we? Maybe we should tell her now."


"....Hello. Earth to Minju?" Y/N said as he waved at the daydreaming Minju.

"Ah? Ne, sorry oppa. I was just thinking about some stuff. You were saying?" Minju asked after not hearing a single thing from Y/N.

"I said, we're going to Gangwon. Have you ever been there before?" Y/N repeated once more.

"Ahh, yeah i have! Once though... and it was years ago... when i was a little kid.... 3 years old..." Her voice gradually getting lower.

"Aww. That means this'll be your first time as an adult. Are you looking forward to it?"

"Yeah...." Minju answered after having some mixed feelings inside her. She really was looking forward to this trip, especially with Y/N. But after what she heard from Eunbi? She couldn't help but worry about Eunbi's feelings since Minju isn't one to hurt anybody. Neither physically nor mentally.

"Oppa, can i ask you something?"


"What do you think of Eunbi-unnie?" Y/N's eyes widened after hearing Minju mention her name out of nowhere.

"Haven't i told you before? She's my friend, that's all."

"Really?" Minju asked once more.

"Really." Y/N said to her. Minju felt as if there were other feelings behind it. It's not that Y/N stuttered or anything. She just.... felt it.

[Completed] The Dating Master | Kwon Eunbi x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now