Chapter 55

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At one of the most well-known amusement parks in the city, a pair of college students are now waiting at the front of the gate, looking for a certain couple. Having waited for about half an hour, one of them started to become impatient and asked her friend.

"Unnie. I'm not doubting you, but I'm asking out of curiosity. You did get the time right, didn't you?" Minju asked.

"I'm 90% sure that I got it right. I asked Unnie about it yesterday before I left the apartment."

"What about the other 10%?"

"Well~ I was thinking about something else when she answered, so I might've gotten it work." Minju sighed as she sat back down on the bench.

"It's a good thing that we ate before we came here. Or else I'd be starving."

"Not to worry. They'll surely be here any minute." Just as she finished her sentence, she spotted the pair smiling at each other as they approached the ticket booth.

"There!" Chaewon said, pointing towards the couple.

"Wait. We should wait for them to buy their tickets first before we follow them." She agreed, not letting her eyes away from them even for a second.


"It doesn't seem like there's a lot of people today. Maybe because it's a weekday?" He commented, looking around the park where there were a few couples going hand in hand. Both of them already noticed, yet chose to stay silent as they didn't want the mood to be awkward.

"Probably. It's a good thing, isn't it? Doesn't that mean we can ride the attractions faster than usual?"

"Well it certainly is not for the owner of the park." He joked.

"As if you care. Now come on, there's a certain ride that I've been wanting to try ever since I plan on coming here." She pulled him by the hand instinctively, with Y/N blushing in the process due to how blunt his noona was.

Meanwhile, the pair who were following them were getting excited by themselves after every single approach Eunbi made.

"Did you see how unnie took his hand as if it was a normal thing? How bold~" Said Chaewon who had her hand on her mouth, feeling surprised.

"I think Eunbi-unnie did it unconsciously. Isn't she the type to get flustered every time oppa does something?"

"But it's her doing that kind of stuff this time. I think Eunbi-unnie has never experienced stuff like being led on by anyone, which is why she gets flustered whenever Y/N-oppa does something to her. Teasing, flirting, etc."

"That... actually makes sense. I guess that's why she seems cute every time she's with oppa."

"Ya. Don't talk as if you're not cute yourself."

"Shut it, unnie." She giggled.

" know, Minju-ya. I'm not teasing you when I say this, but you really are. There's no way that no one has ever made an attempt to approach you. If I were a male, I would at least go up to you and try my luck."

"I might've exaggerated it a bit. Of course there are a few of them, but I just told them that I'm not interested. The reason for this is that I feel like I'll have a hard time if I were to be with one of them. You know, they seemed like the bad guy kind of person."

"And what about Y/N-oppa?"

"Let's see... My first impression of him was that he seemed like he didn't have any bad intentions when talking to me. The longer we hung out, the more I noticed that he seemed innocent and cute. It's almost as if he never dated or at least tried to get close to a woman."

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