Chapter 10

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"What should we do first, noona?" He asked.

"I want to see how long you can talk to girls for a start. Do you mind if i ask you to approach some girls?"

"Sure, i don't mind."

"Okay.... that girl. She seems to be a calm one." She pointed to a girl who seems to be messing with her laptop.

"How should i start?"

"Just come up and say hi. I want to see how long you can keep a conversation for."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes i'm sure. Now go, before she goes somewhere else." She pushed him from the back forcefully. Y/N started walking, this time trying to be more composed.


"Uh? Ah, yeah, hi

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"Uh? Ah, yeah, hi."

"Can i sit here?"

"Yeah, sure."

Y/N sat down across of her, trying to think of something to say. Not even a minute in, and he already glanced at Eunbi asking for help. Like the plan they had arranged, Y/N slowly got his phone out to see what her advice is.

You can do it. The message read.


Y/N thought to himself before looking back at the girl who's focusing on doing something.

Think Y/N. Think!!

"So.. what're you doing there?"

"Eh? No-nothing. Just watching some stuff, haha." She laughed awkwardly.

"Oh? What're you watching? Can i see it?" Y/N said as he got up getting closer to her.

"NO!!!" She slammed her laptop shut before looking at him.

"I-I'm sorry. I have to go." She packed her bags and started leaving as Y/N could only stare.

Damn it.

Y/N rested his head on the table as Eunbi can be seen approaching him.

"So. It didn't went well huh?"

"I was only asking about what she was watching..." Y/N whined.

"Hm... it might be too soon if i give you a feedback. We'll move on for now. Okay then. Next one. Um.... there."


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[Completed] The Dating Master | Kwon Eunbi x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now