Chapter 33

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"Oppa? Where are you going?" Chaewon asked the guy who was about to leave just when they arrived at the place. Y/N then gave Chaewon a glance before turning back walking in a slow pace towards the door reaching for the knob.

"I'm just gonna take a breather for a bit. Also gonna look for the convenience store to buy some snacks. You guys want anything?"

The others replied with a no one by one when Hyewon answered.

"A can of milk coffee for me. I feel like drinking some caffeine at the moment." Y/N nodded at her request before bidding goodbye go the others as he let out a sigh.

I wonder what they're doing right now.... since when did they become that close? Looks like i don't really know much about noona, or Minju.

He looked for the exit out of the resort as he walked aimlessly looking for the store. Might as well take a walk and explore the city he thought.

"Hungry~ Hungry~"


"So, unnie. What do you like about him?" Minju asked innocently to her unnie who has her mind on the clouds.


"Come on~ I know you heard me. What do you like about Y/N-oppa?" She teased as Eunbi twirled her hair.

"Stop, Minju-ya. You're embarrassing me."

"It's only fair for me to at least know what made you fell for him right?" She nudged her arm.

"I-I guess that's true...." Eunbi fiddled her fingers as she looked low making Minju hug her.

"You're so cute unnie~ I'm sure oppa will be glad to have you as his girlfriend."

"Y-You think so?"

"Ng! I'm sure of it. If anyone were to take him from me, i would be glad if it was you." Minju let go of the hug as she stared her in the eye.

"So? What do you like about him?"

"Well.... i-" A ring came through Eunbi's phone breaking the two's flow of conversation. The number showed an unknown ID as Eunbi's suspicions grew.

"Who is it?" Minju asked.

"I don't know."



Hello, Eunbi-ah. This is our first time talking isn't it?

Eunbi wasn't sure why, but shivers went down her spine as she heard the guy who had a soft tone talked with her. Despite him talking like a customer service who's fresh into the job, Eunbi still didn't fully feel safe talking with the guy who just talked.

"Wh-who is this?" She asked.

You don't recognize your own father's voice? Oh how it saddens me.

'Wait, how did he get my number?'

"You're not my dad. You left us. You left mom to raise me alone. You were never there for us."

He didn't give her any answer and just laughed at Eunbi's anger. Minju who was there, got shocked at how Eunbi's expression turned grim. She just stood there stunned by her sudden outburst.

Listen, Eunbi. Has any guy approached you and asked you to be a model?

"Yes. And no. I don't want to become a model. Please leave me alone. I'm turning it off." Just as Eunbi was about to close the call, his sentence made Eunbi's heart felt like it was pierced by a spear.

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