◤Welcome to Gracefield◢

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I'm pretty sure I'm going to absolutely humor myself with the bewildered expressions of all the kids once they see a child who would be a year away from getting shipped out is arriving at the house. It's a good thing I can act and lie so damn well otherwise I'd be laughing my ass off trying to pretend to be blind.

I was told to wait in the mess hall with Krone as Isabella went to ring the bell to gather all the kids with her. Once all the kids enter I choose to lower my head. Though keeping an eye on the oldest, like I was asked to.

They're all staring at me.

Stop looking at me like that it's gonna make me laugh goddamnit.

"Let me introduce them." Isabella started.

"These are your new siblings, Y/n and Carol." she rested a hand on my shoulder and I involuntarily tensed up.

"And next to me is Sister Krone, she will be helping me out." Isabella left it at that. Leaving the kids to talk amongst themselves, I gripped onto the silver walking stick, in my other hand, I hold Cuddles by his right paw.

Now thinking about it, the stick doesn't actually look like a walking stick for a blind person. It's silver all the way down but does have a nubby end.

There's a small compartment on one end and a button to alert Isabella to my location since it has been hooked up to her tracker beforehand. It's also foldable.

This was the best they could do, huh?

"Why does Y/n have a fancy stick?" one of the kids asked.

Isabella lifted her hand off of my shoulder and I relaxed.

"Ah, I'm glad you asked that. You see, your new sister is actually blind, meaning she is unable to see as if her eyes are closed all the time without control. So she needs this stick to help her move around." A few little kids asked questions since the concept of being blind seemed like it was new to them.

There are three kids in the back, one with bright orange and short hair with green eyes, why does he keep looking at me like I'm some sort of gold mine? Or maybe he is just excited to see a new kid around his age.

Next to him is another boy with white hair and blue eyes. He isn't displaying any emotions, but his eyebrows are pressed together.

He looks boring.

Another boy next to the ginger has black hair draped over one eye and triangular dark green eyes.

Wow, edgy much?

He looks annoyed, not really looking at anything in particular. When Isabella dismisses all the kids the ginger runs up to me. It is only now I realize he is wearing a skirt.

Oh, it's a girl.


"Hi! I'm Emma! Nice to meet you Y/n!" she said energetically. I raised my head up but didn't say anything.

"Let me help you around, I'll show you where the beds are!" this girl, Emma immediately took my hand and dragged me forward. Accidentally leading me into a wall that I fully knew was there, but pretending I didn't, I rammed right into it and fell down, my walking stick rolling away from me.

It felt like the world spun for a few seconds as I tried to get my head to stop hurting, attempting to sit up failed. That's kind of embarrassing.

Wall + Head = Not compatible

𝑯𝒊𝒓𝒆𝒅 𝑴𝒊𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒗𝒆 ♫ 𝐑𝐚𝐲 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now