「 The King 」

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The next day arrived, I awoke first.

I waited for Ray or Maeve to wake up, and Ray woke up next a few minutes later.

Upon seeing me and a silently sleeping Maeve who was clutching Cuddles, he smiled sweetly.

"This is nice to wake up to," he comments in a hushed voice as he leans over Maeve and gives me a kiss. "Good morning," he told me.

I smiled back, "Good morning-"

Maeve sits up, stretching. "Good morning!" she says joyfully, I chuckle at her eagerness and Ray rubs his eyes.

Maeve's change of daily clothes always dresses in plain white thigh-high socks. It's all similar dresses that always have a triangle-cut bottom. Now her dress has long sleeves and is a darkish wine red colour.

 Now her dress has long sleeves and is a darkish wine red colour

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"Sorry, but we're going to the Seven Walls! Y/n, me and Ray," says Emma to the rest of the table.

Looks of shock bounce around as my daughter glances up at Ray with a questioned look.

Everyone bursts out into confused sounds, Nat points out that Norman said he could kill all the demons, and Maeve covers her ears.

I know, Maeve. Imagine my shock when he was openly talking about why he thought killing us was good in front of me and Ray.

"Oh, well, about that." Emma starts. "I don't wanna kill the demons."

More confused noises from everyone continue.

Emma goes on to explain her point until Gillian interrupts.

"But I hate all the demons!" she says.

Maeve is now all sorts of confused, she looks up at me. "Me too?" she asks.

Gillian apparently forgot we were here and covers up her mistake. "I mean, I hate all the demons EXCEPT for you and Y/n!" she tells her.


Is all Maeve says before Gillian starts ranting again.

"But- Y/n! Your head practically almost got squished by another demon, why do you and Emma wanna save them! I understand they're your race, but don't you at least wanna kill the bad demons??"

I made sure to cover my daughter's ears before Gilda talked about my violent encounters.

"They're crazy to not at least kill the homicidal ones, I couldn't see their point of view at first either." Ray shrugs, Emma and I both look back at him in question.

Don smiles, "But that's who Emma is, and it's also Y/n's race, I can understand hesitation there too."

He spreads his arms open, "It's fine! Go ahead!"

𝑯𝒊𝒓𝒆𝒅 𝑴𝒊𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒗𝒆 ♫ 𝐑𝐚𝐲 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now