「 Bitter Greetings 」

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"So, you both were able to make a new promise?" Ray asks.

"Yep!" I reply happily, we were in front of everyone else, telling them about the promise we made.

"Everyone, including Y/n and Maeve, will be able to escape to the human world without being chased by any enemies!" cheers Emma.

Everyone else is in disbelief, then they all start cheering.

"What about the reward?" asks Ray.

Emma and I both look back, "Oh, don't worry! We'll tell you about that later!" we both say.

He's taken aback a little as I look back ahead and purse my lips.

"We need to hurry and leave, Thoma and Lanni found something concerning..." Ray changes the subject.

"Not only does Norman want to kill the royal family and the aristocrats... But he wants to also kill the whole imperial capital." This ticks me off a little hearing it.

Oh, no you don't.

Killing most of the royals and the aristocrats is one thing.

But I will not let you wipe out my entire race.

"Well let's go then! There's no time to waste!" I call, getting my mask and usual robes.

The others had to get in their disguises too, I pray that I am not noticed because of my clothing in the Royal Capital once I get there.

Hope I don't have to use too much of my magic, I don't wanna put myself in danger and wear myself out more by using more.

"Three days to get there, if we run, we can all make it!" I yell, whipping my head back to them.

"You all better be able to keep up! Otherwise, we'll miss it!!!"

"You won't miss it!" says Oliver, he's on a horse. Everyone, except for me gets on a horse. Since there isn't anymore.

It's fine. I'm quicker than these horses anywhoo.

"Y/n, what about you?"

"I can run faster than these horses," I say. "Don't lag behind." I warn.

"We can handle your pace!" yells Ray from a little behind our group.

"Oh. CAN you now?" I say, once we get out from the tree, with everyone's disguises and their horses, I full-on dash my fastest.

I'm not trying to show off (maybe I am a little actually) but since this is urgent, I won't be holding back my pace to wait for the others. I had my exceptionally long and fancy robes tied up as I hop and maneuver the path everyone else is taking, almost leaving them in the dust.

 I had my exceptionally long and fancy robes tied up as I hop and maneuver the path everyone else is taking, almost leaving them in the dust

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𝑯𝒊𝒓𝒆𝒅 𝑴𝒊𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒗𝒆 ♫ 𝐑𝐚𝐲 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now