【 Nostalgia 】

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We started walking through the tunnels, Mujika and Sonju wore their robes and hoods, and I wore my old one, it was a nice f/c and had fancy tassels on it.

I resumed wearing my nice pendant I wore when I was younger. I still believed it'd give me good luck, the kids would comment on how shiny and pretty it looked and really enjoyed looking at it.

We all were walking through the tunnels underground to better escape our pursuers during this time.

Cuddles was in my bag again, I only hugged him when I slept or to keep my raging temper down, which is usually directed towards nothing and everything.

Don't you just love feeling like you're gonna start yelling or crying for no reason?

Yeah, Cuddles helps me with those tendencies.

"Don't worry, they won't find this path," Sonju tells the kids.

"I connected the caves of dead vampire trees to make these paths. It's a maze down here and only Mujika, Y/n, and I know they exist."

"I still get lost-" Mujika chuckles.

"Ooh, do you live in the forest?" Alica asks.

"No, just traveling through." Mujika comments.

"I'm glad we came back though," Sonju mentions as I mess around with a few small magic tricks.

I snap a few times and are shocked to see a lighter effect where I can summon a small flame on my fingertips, it made the same sound as a lighter as well.

Sonju lightly hits my hand as it puts out the tiny flame. "Not here,"

Oh yeah, I forgot these tunnels were made of wood.

I sigh as I do a different magic trick that would be less harmful.

Mark watches me in awe as I make sparkles rain from my hands, some fall in his hair, and he giggles.

"Is that real glitter or metaphorical?" Ray walks up beside me and asks.

"Uh, metaphorical?" I guess as I keep playing around with it.

It's pretty useless knowledge, but at least it keeps me and others entertained.

It's pretty useless knowledge, but at least it keeps me and others entertained

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"Nay, what else can you do?"

"Did you see my lighter trick earlier?" I asked.


I get prepared to do it again but then Sonju looks back at me.


"Right, right, sorry." I sigh and show Ray my other magic tricks.


We eventually get to a resting place as Gilda calls for Emma's attention.

𝑯𝒊𝒓𝒆𝒅 𝑴𝒊𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒗𝒆 ♫ 𝐑𝐚𝐲 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now