「 I Heart You 」

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The sunlight poured into my room as I felt myself being shaken awake.

"Mama! Mama! Wake up! It's time for breakfast!" I heard Maeve say gleefully.

I stir awake and sit up as Maeve climbs up on my bed and sits on the ledge with her legs swinging off the bed, clutching onto Cuddles. I had now realized that Ray was no longer in the bed. He most likely woke up before me.

"Hi there hun," I greet her with a smile. "How did you like playing with all the other kids yesterday?" I ask.

"I loved it! There was a tall, dark bald guy who gave me changes of clothes and took the glass particles out of my feet!" she tells me.

I look at what she was wearing, a black dress lined in red that had a triangle cut bottom with thigh long white socks and flats, instead of her tight, thick, and bloody gauze bandages.

"You look so wonderful, hun." I tell her, "But you know who also thinks you look wonderful?" I ask with wide eyes as I start tickling her as she bursts into a laughing fit. "The tickle monster!!" I laugh along with her.

She drags me out of bed by my hand. "Okay! Let's go!"

"Wait, let mommy get dressed first!" I laughed.

"Oh, sorry, I forgot!" Maeve giggles.

I get myself together and she makes me run to the dining hall.

She bursts in the door. "We're hereeee!" she makes a grand entrance and drags me over to where Ray is.

Emma soon almost bull-rammed through the door when realizing she overslept

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Emma soon almost bull-rammed through the door when realizing she overslept.

"Oh, don't worry, we all overslept too!" I tell her.

"Yeah! I had to wake you up!" Maeve puts her hands on her hips. I giggle and ruffle her hair.

"Yes you did, hun." I said, helping set up the tables.

"I don't remember falling asleep..." comments Emma.

"Me either." I lie with a laugh.

"Zack had to carry you back, Norman was already gone by then." Ray tells Emma.

"Oh? What about Y/n?"

Ray delayed his response for a few seconds as I set another plate down.

"I carried her back."

He responded a little quietly.

I smiled a little.

Glad I pretended to be asleep by that time.


Some of us were doing laundry, while Ray seemed to be in deep thought.

𝑯𝒊𝒓𝒆𝒅 𝑴𝒊𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒗𝒆 ♫ 𝐑𝐚𝐲 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now