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Norman had explained what he did, he didn't tell Don it was under his bed, but in the library. Ray had walked right into the trap that he set for him as well.

For his smarts, I'm actually a little surprised he fell for that so easily.

The next thing I heard was him laughing maniacally, made me almost laugh too.

Maybe Norman caught him, but he didn't catch me yet.

And he never will.

Not unless I tell him, but I'd much rather not be tortured by Sarah and her minions.

"Dang. And I thought I was doing so well." Ray sighed.

"I am mom's spy." he said nonchalantly. I could just feel the ignoble smirk from here.

"When did you start suspecting me?"

"From the very start."

"Hah?" Ray sounded confused.

"I suspected you from the very beginning. I didn't want to, because I'd like to believe you were a friend before an enemy. However, I had to stay realistic. And it's the most problematic, as well as the most beneficial that you are the traitor." Norman continued on explaining.

"Mom would never trust a sudden tip from an impromptu spy."

Well, that's where you're kinda wrong there, knobhead.

"Says the guy who suspected the new blind girl as being a spy." Ray replied.

"By the way, she was going to mom's room the same time I was. She said mom checks on her a lot because she's special."

Wow, you snitch.

"And I don't doubt that." Norman paused.

"But, it is definitely questionable. Her abilities I mean. I heard of blind people have heightened senses, but Y/n's are on a whole new level."

"Maybe she's just observant," Ray told him.

"Maybe she's just lying to us." Norman retorted.

"Her bangs cover both her eyes, she probably is looking around at all of us without us even knowing."

Well, you're not wrong but still, shut up.

Ray hums, "Either or, I've been asked to keep an eye on Y/n. Make her feel welcome and stuff."

"Oh. She sent the wrong person for the job, then." Norman chuckles.

Ray growls in annoyance, "I'm perfectly capable of being a decent person."

Norman brushes off the topic, with Ray not commenting on the fact that I seemed to have many more skills than previously thought.

After all, I'm pretty sure he did agree that I was on a whole new level of skill. Even higher than them. Which seemed borderline impossible considering they were the only ones doing so well for so long.

I got perfect scores on every test, just like Norman does. And on top of that, I caught Ray studying my air theory and detecting emotions through the air and someone's presence.

Though, he was probably doing that to try and see if I was making up some sort of lie. The abilities I was using were actually primary skills used by animals hundreds of years ago.

𝑯𝒊𝒓𝒆𝒅 𝑴𝒊𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒗𝒆 ♫ 𝐑𝐚𝐲 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now