「 Invasion 」

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"Um. Quick question." whispers Yuugo.

I turn to him.


"Why the fuck is there an army of skeletons with us?"

I look at all the Bonemen I summoned, about ten of them to be exact. Some with bows and arrows, others with swords and shields.

"Uhhh. Extra support." I say, turning to the rest of the kids.

"Is everyone okay?" Emma and I both ask as we all get a yes.

The little kids are scared, Jemima is clinging to me and Chris to Emma.

"How did they even find us? We were so careful." whispers Zack.

"We don't know. They just suddenly appeared on the cameras. Rossi and I were watching constantly on them." remarks Pepe.

"Did they weave through the blind spot on the camera?" I ask.

"Probably." says Ray.

"How many did you see on the camera?"

"Eight. Last I counted."

"Jesus Christ, alright." managing to keep all of our voices to hushed whispers to not draw attention.

"Wait," I look around. "Wheres Lucas and Rossi?" I ask.

"They're in the secret room, they won't be found there, since Lucas can't maneuver that well." Pepe informs.

We were hiding in the gun room, I tune in my hearing again only to hear footsteps right outside the piano.

I cover my mouth and my eyes glow red once more. Everyone gets the hint and also covers their mouths. The Bonemen stop moving to halt their bone rattling.

I wait for the footsteps to walk to a different room before I start whispering again. "We need to get out of here. It isn't safe anymore in the shelter." I say as quietly but as audible as possible.

"Agreed." says five others.

"In case we need to escape, we will hide weapons in each room. As well as what we need down here." says Yuugo as he puts a bag in another secret compartment. "It'll be right here."

I recalled to myself.

Yuugo, as quietly as he can, opens the false wall that leads to another exit out of the hideout.

"What's this?" Alica asks.

"Our way out," I tell her. "If we use the darkness as the attackers used it, we might be able to sneak away as they snuck here.

I hear gunshots, they're distant. And I have to tune in a little to hear it. But it gets me to freeze completely and my Bonemen to grip onto their weapons on high alert.

"Guys," I say.

Everyone looks at me, seemingly thinking the same thing as I.

"We can't use the emergency exits, they're waiting for us."


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𝑯𝒊𝒓𝒆𝒅 𝑴𝒊𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒗𝒆 ♫ 𝐑𝐚𝐲 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now