【 B06-32 】

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I rub my eyes as we hike up a couple of ledges in the cave.

The younger kids cheered, it's been five days, I don't see how they have so much energy.

All I wanna do is sleep.

I thought as I rubbed my eyes once more.

"We made it!" the younger kids cheered.

"If you go up to the surface from here, you'll be right at the edge of the forest,"

Sonju commented.

"Let's rest tonight and go above tomorrow morning." he finishes.

"I'll crush the herbs!"

"And prepare the cooking!" other kids said.

I crack my knuckles and help the kids prepare food.

I glance over at Sonju, his mouth is pursed, and look at the younger kids.

You aren't that sly, I see right through you.

I thought to myself as I looked back down at the herbs I was helping preparing.

"If we work hard! We can be at B06-32 by tomorrow!" Don says.

Gilda interrupts that with a strategy of her own, then Emma asks Sonju if there are any other kids like them.

I raise an eyebrow. "You've never figured it out? Or even heard any rumors while you were traveling?" Mujika asked.

"There are many other farms out there." Sonju finishes her sentence.

"I haven't heard of any intelligent ones like your though," Sonju looks at me.

"Gracefield was Plant 3, There are other high intelligent plants, and there is only a collection in total. Gracefield. Grand Valley, Glory Bell, Goodwill Ridge, and former others." I say with my arms crossed. "There was a top class one that used to be higher than Gracefields numbers, but it got turned into enclosed housing for the farmworkers and me long ago, I was told."

"There are two different types of farms, however. The intelligent ones, like yours..." Sonju starts.

"And mass production ones." he tells them.

"Farms for cheap mass production," I rephrase. "They breed humans in horrible living conditions just to fatten and ship out like pigs" I turn to everyone.

"Humans who grow up there don't understand words."

"They have no names."

"And they don't even have free will." Sonju and I were finishing each other's sentences, I looked around.

Everyone was horrified.

Fitting expressions, I'd say.

"They would never even think of escaping," Sonju says.

"They're all hooked up to machines through the mouth." I stick my fingers in my mouth. "All the way down their throat." I pause.

"And if that tube is removed..." I take my fingers out and point to my head. "They will immediately die."

I see everyone's look of horror greatly increase after I said that.

Alright. Maybe that's enough.

I thought.

"There's over seven hundred mass production farms and only four intelligent ones."


𝑯𝒊𝒓𝒆𝒅 𝑴𝒊𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒗𝒆 ♫ 𝐑𝐚𝐲 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now