「 Snap 」

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Everyone was resting, except for me, as usual.

I'd rather listen to what Oliver had to say about Lucas's note than fall into more new nightmares, thanks.

We heard rapid footsteps, and in through the clearing was Gilda looking panicked.

"Everyone come quick! Dominic and Alica are missing!"

We all dashed out of the cave, calling their names.

Two gunshots were heard, and I was frantically asked to tune in my hearing to find them.

We took a lot of winding paths, what felt like a very long and confusing path led to not even remember where our temporary cave shelter was.

We eventually find Dominic. Standing by himself in a clearing.

"Run away!!! Don't come!!!" he screams.

Some are caught off guard, until a bullet wooshes past and shoots a fellow teenager in the eye.

This could only be one person's doing.

I was in the very back corner of the group, watching everything. Analyzing to see what I could do.

Dominic was shot in the leg a slash of blood follows as he falls to the ground.

"There you are!" I hear a familiar voice say.

I look up.


With Alica.

His face is disfigured, one eye slightly popped out of its socket. I can only assume it's from the explosion.

I immediately fly into a fit of rage. My eyes turn red on reaction.

"Found you, I finally found you. You damn food," he growls.

"Get on your knees, all of you!" he presses the gun to Alica's head.

"Now, where's the demon??"

He demands.


I scream as loud as it takes to rattle the trees.

He laughs in a crazy way and reaches for something in his pocket.

"I knew the little demon girl oughta come running once she knows it was me! You want a candy cane?" he taunts as he throws a candy cane at me while I stride over.

I slash it with my nails mid-throw and it shatters like glass.

"Nuh-Uh! Not so fast!" he presses the gun tighter to Alica's head.

The Bonemen besides me hit their swords against their shields, but I told them to stay and follow my orders. The others aiming their bows but not shooting.

I pant like I had ran a marathon. Natural canines showing as my nails are shown to be longer, I start to feel my other rows of teeth trying to poke out of my gums. My eyes a blood red as my leaking bloodlust drips out of me like an overflown pot of boiling water.

He stomps on Dominic and that prompts me to try and attack him but I'm held back by Emma.

I wiggle my leg free from her tight grasp.

"Wow, Y/n. I'd expect better from a predator." he laughs in an evil way.


"A predator protecting its prey. Is like a lion protecting a rabbit because it likes how its fur looks." he pauses to look at me with a sadistic grin. "It'll eventually kill the rabbit when there isn't anything else left to eat."

𝑯𝒊𝒓𝒆𝒅 𝑴𝒊𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒗𝒆 ♫ 𝐑𝐚𝐲 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now