【 Mouse Trap 】

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"What is that?! Is that in the book too?!" Gilda yells in confusion.

"No! It isn't in the book! That's a wild demon and it has nothing to do with the farm!!" I yell back.

"Which means it'll eat us as soon as it sees us!" I confirm, everyone runs faster to escape it.

"But these weren't the ones I saw! The ones I saw talked and stood on two legs!!" Emma shouts.

"There are different kinds of demons, Emma!" I yell, keeping a steady and fast, but not too fast pace.

"Argh! We won't be eaten!" Don yells as he splits the group into two who keep running, one with Don, and one with Gilda.

I followed Ray and Emma as they split off from the group entirely.

Ray stops. "I think I have a way." he says.

"Oh, are you talking-"

"Yeah." he starts as he looks at the vine trap.

"I'll drop him in the trap of the roots," he said.

Emma raises her eyebrows.

"You're not thinking-!?"

"No. I won't sacrifice myself when we're in danger. I'll do it alone because I can get it done."

"Are you stupid?" I asked him.

"That thing is going to cut you up and eat you and whatever it doesn't eat he is going to use as floss, you have zero experience with these wild beasts, I'm coming with you." I said, before he could reply I snapped my fingers in his face.

"NOW," I shouted to prevent him from retorting. I looked at Emma.

"Ray and I will handle it. Go with Gilda. Don't worry about us."

"Who are the better ones at tag anyways?" Ray says.

"You two are..." Emma admits.

"Right. So leave it to us. We promise we'll return, alright?" Ray tells her, she finally agreed and runs off.

We go looking for the creature and eventually find it.

God damn, what an eyesore that thing is.

Looks absolutely vile.

"Hey! We're over here!" Ray shouts. It twitches its head over to us.

"Yeah, that's right! Come on!" I yell as we jump over the trap to get the demon inside of it.

"Yeah, that's right! Come on!" I yell as we jump over the trap to get the demon inside of it

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Ray was going too slow, and the demon was already too close, so I yanked his wrist forward.

"Get ready to be dropped into hell!" I laugh.

Right before it falls into the trap, it suddenly dies with a loud roar.


We both hide behind a tree as we start to hear voices.

𝑯𝒊𝒓𝒆𝒅 𝑴𝒊𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒗𝒆 ♫ 𝐑𝐚𝐲 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now