Chapter Thirty Two

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I wake up to someone's hand's around my waist and I see that it is Mike. After a whole night he begged to stay. While I should be distancing myself from him. I constantly find myself being drawn to him.

The image if him being hurt pops into my head and I cringe.

I have no option but to do this.

I wake up, sliding from his grasp and enter my shower. The familiar cold spray hits my back but I am too stressed to even acknowledge it.

I get lost in my thoughts when suddenly I feel a hard chest against my back. At first I tense because today is the day I originally planned to break up with Mike, yet here I am allowing myself to relax against him.

"Sneaking out on me ?.", he tickles me playfully.

"No... Not even close.", I sigh.

That's when the dynamic in the shower changes to hot and heavy. He slips his fingers between my legs, making me moan.

I bite my lip to contain moan as Lorraine is right downstairs.

He places a palm over my mouth to mute my moans and he suddenly pulls his fingers away while thrusting into me.

While I am still under eighteen, the sensations I am feeling are beyond this world and I just can't help how amazing this feels.

AFTER AN HOUR of 'showering', I force him to sneak out of the window while I casually strut downstairs, only to trip over my own feet when I see Eziahl here, sipping whatever that is in my cup.

"What are you doing here?.",I ask stupidly, forgetting that he is indeed my "protector" after all.

"Miss Audrey Seville that is no way to greet him. He is more like family since he has saved your life from those... things.", she shudders while I cringe.

"He was up in your room a few minutes ago but he ran down because he heard that you was in the shower.", she says, and gets back to her work while I spit a mouthful of dark tea which I happen to have in the morning.

I look at Eziahl horrified as to what he might of heard. Surely he did not hear it right... right?!.

I chance a glance at Eziahl only to find him smirking at me.

"Oh no.", I groan.

"Don't groan ever again. I would like to burn that memory of what I heard. Gross. It's like hearing both my brother and sister doing stuff and that's not something I'd like to have in my head.", he says while letting out an exaggerated shudder.

And did he just say brother and... Yeah and on that note... eww!.

I roll my eyes and walk outside while I wait for Eziahl. As I wait I think about how I am going to break the news to Mike.

If only I was normal without any freaky paranormal shit that surrounds me, I would have been able to have that dumb cliche  that seems to work for everyone.

Marry your highschool sweetheart. First comes love... Second comes marriage... Third comes unlimited sex (well that's just how I would like it), then comes a baby in a purple mini carriage... I hate yellow carriages.

I chuckle at my stupid brain and shake my head, but then my laughter vanishes.

In the shower we did not use any protection. Thing's just happened on impulse. The color probably drains from my face, but the voice in my head reminds me that it's only one time without protection.. surely I'm not pregnant.

I let myself accept that lie and then I see Eziahl.

Before he makes a dumb comment about the whole shower incident, I spill my guts to him.

"I'm breaking up with Mike.", I blurt and watch his eyes grow big in his face.

"After what went down with you two in the shower it's clear you two should be getting married.", he jokes, but then his laughter ceases as he notices a tear that falls.

"Hey what's wrong.", he asks while crushing me in a hug.

"I can't be with him Ez, he is going to get hurt. This is too dangerous for him and I love him too much to see him get tangled into this mess. He deserves someone who isn't me. Someone who isn't damaged with a friken demon as her mother.", I hug him tighter, crying.

I hate crying.

I don't know where this emotion is coming from but it hurts.

Eziahl wipes my tears and then forces me to look at him.

"Look. I'm here for you. Whatever your decision is regarding Mike, I know it's for his own good. As much as I hated him at first... He quickly became the brother I never had. Don't hurt him too much when you're letting him go because when all this is over, you're going to want him back. I see the way you look at him, he is it for you.", he says quietly.

I let his words sink in and marvel at the way he is able to make a decision without letting his personal feelings cloud his judgement.

I nod and walk beside him in silence.

"Oh and Audrey.", he says.

"Mmm?", I sound.

"Don't ever call me Ez. It sounds as if I'm gay or some shit.", He says and I chuckle.

We reach school and my day begins by the sound of the buzzer. Eziahl and I part ways since he has to be at the Medilar while I had chemistry.

I avoid Mike as he motions for me to sit near him, but instead I take another seat and he furrows his brow.

The whole day goes on like this and as the day nears to an end he gets angrier.

Probably because I hid in the girls bathroom the whole time.

When the final buzzer rings, he is waiting for me outside. I start to panic and wonder if I will ever be able to do this.

"Wanna tell me what's got you avoiding me?, Because when I asked you if it was to fast you assured me everything was okay.", He said.

"It's not that Mike. Although we do need to talk.", I say nervously.

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