Chapter Thirty Four

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I jerk away from Eziahl who now has a stoic expression on his face.

I try my utter best not to crumble.

"I uh didn't see you there.", I say, making my tone sound as if I am not sorry for literally just slashing his heart into pieces.

"I can't fucking believe this!.", He hissed and his face contorted into this form of anger that it seemed like if he has to move his jaw a little, it will snap.

Eziahl looks at me nervously as a silent plea comes from him. I take this moment to speak.

"Can't believe what?. That I chose Eziahl over you?. A guy who is so damn selfish?.", I say harshly.

He stepped back as if I had slapped him and it is at that moment I see a tear fall from Mikes eye. I have never seen him cry ... ever. I did that. I put those tears there. But... it is for his own good right?.

"And you!.", Mike snarls at Eziahl.

"I honestly thought we could be bro's. But I guess that dumb clichè saying 'Bro's before hoes' is void, because it's really clear that you chose the hoe.", he murmured coldly.

His words cut deep but I ignore it and shift my eyes to Eziahl... who... seems to be seething with anger. I quickly intervene.

"Yeah well in this case I wasn't happy with you and I don't think you are going to give me what I need. Goodbye Mike.", I say and pull Eziahls hand and wade through the chaos of the carnival.

As soon as I am sure we are out of sight, the floodgates pour open and I drop to my knees.

A little dramatic?. No. I never knew pain like this in my entire life.

Eziahl kneels down with me and wraps me in his arms and sooths me as violent sobs consume me and my chest hurts.

"Shhhh", he coos.

"It's going to be okay... after all this is over... you and him can try again.", Eziahl says.

His words barely register as I feel a sudden chill... and not the type of chill caused by a cold breeze.

Eziahls hands instinctively grab mine and pulls me behind him just as a swirl of black surrounds us.

The hellacious sound it emits has my head pounding and my voice escaping my throat as I scream when my head feels like it is going to implode.

As usual Eziahl is saving my ass though. I feel the blood dripping down my face as Eziahl somehow opens a portal and pulls me through it.

The same annoying nauseous feeling consumes me as I land on the hard yet very familiar floor. I hate thaose damn portals.

I open my eyes when the wave of nausea pass and my stomach settles down.

Merlia looks at me and winces when her eyes scan my face. She and Eziahl helps me up onto the chair as I catch my breath.

"As much as I know that you're not ready.. and as much as I hate to say this... but it is time Audrey. You have to face the prophecy. ", she shivers.

Eziahls jaw twitches.

"You can't let her face it now!. Hell have you seen what it's scream can do to her! You're insane.", Eziahl shouts.

"We have no goddamn choice Eziahl everyone is in danger don't you get it. This is bigger than her and both of us and eveyone else.", Merlia snaps.

I'm not ready, but because of me everyone is going to be in danger if I don't do anything. 

"STOP!", I yell.

"This is all happening because of me and I have to stop all of this. It's my choice Eziahl. I am doing this.", I state calmly with a sharp edge to my voice.

Eziahl sighs in defeat as he knows I am stubborn and do as I please.

Merlias expression is one of dread and uncertainty.

"What do I have to do?.", I chirp happily even though I want to hide away from the world and just wish I was still in therapy or something.

"You have to draw a pentagram to summon the evil entity. Since you can speak in tongues naturally I would say that the name would be known naturally to you.", she says as she climbs the ladder to grab the thick brown book.

She thumps ot on the table and Eziahl and I look questionably at her.

"She can't just chalk up a normal pentagram. She has to do a complex one which will summon this thingymagigy and contain it as she destroys it. ", Merlia answers our unasked question.

"Oh.", I say. What else do you want me to say?. Ugh.

"This is it.", she says.

I look at the very very very very complex pentagram. I am good with art but not that good.

It wouldn't hurt to try I guess.

"Here use the black chalk. These are left from the pure children of angels. It's not exactly chalk per say, but you've heard the story of the burning bush. Let's just say it's sort of like a biblical coal used for pentagram art.", Merlia mutters.
I can tell that she is extremely nervous but I don't dare to mention this.

"Well we'll leave you to it.", sighs Eziahl as he reluctantly walks away from the library.

I pick up he coal pieces and get to work as I refer to the book to make sure every symbol is drawn to perfection.

Lets get this demon.

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