Chapter Twenty-Two

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EVERYTHING HURTS. That was the first thought that came to my head. I couldn't even open my damn eyes at this point. Even my hair hurt. Okay I'm lying about that but I seriously feel like I was hit by a bus which had exploding missiles attached to it. My throat feels like I have been gargling rusty nails and my ears feel as if they fell out. If this is what being 'confronted' by demons feel like... I am not a fan!.

I try to move without opening my eyes and feel around the bed to feel the edge but my hand comes into contact with something warm.

"Hey, easy there tiger. Don't rush to get up or else you'll pass out.", Eziahls voice soothed.

I snapped my eyes open in shock as I remember Lorraine- I mean my mom, [That is going to take some serious practice] who was also there and witnessed everything.

"Stop overthinking about Lorraine, I already explained everything.", Eziahl gave a nervous laugh.

My eyes bulged out of my sockets. "How did she react.", I asked. My voice was so ugly and I regretted opening my mouth because now I was in a coughing fit.

In an instant, Eziahl was next to me, pouring me a glass of water and setting it onto the dresser.

"Okay so I am going to lift you up and settle you against the pillow okay?. I promise I will not hurt you.", Eziahl said.

I simply offered a weak nod and he returned it with a small smile.

He then adjusted me to a position where I was laying on my back, and ever so slowly, he picked me up into an upright position and then placed the glass of water into my weak hands.

The cold glass felt like someone hit my hand with a plank. That's how much pain I was in. He seemed to notice my struggle of holding the glass and he took ahold of it and started feeding me the water.

I took a huge gulp but regretted it as it hurt my esophagus. "Slowly... one sip at a time.", Eziahl cooed. I felt like I was a baby again and he was like a caring mom without the boobs and lipstick. I imagined what he would look like and my shoulders shook with soundless laughter as the imagery I had created in my head was absolutely comical.

He raised both eyebrows at me and was probably wondering why the hell I am laughing after the demon version of circus freaks in my room.

Why does he raise both eyebrows instead of the one eyebrow thing Mike does?.

Great Audrey, the key to getting over what someone did to you, is to constantly think about them.

My laughter dissipated as my mind snapped to reality.

"Lorraine was in disbelief when I explained everything but she came through. Everything is going to be okay. ", he said.

Just as I was about to reply a bright light and a heavy gust of wind filled the room. My eyes hurt from the intense light, so I shut it and finally opened it once the light and wind subsided.

Judging by Merlia who is standing in my room, I conclude that all that commotion was just a portal opening, but nevermind that. What is she doing here?.

"Merlia.What are you doing here?.", I ask in utmost surprise, no coughing fit this time thankfully.

"I called her here to fix you up. Unless you rather prefer going to a homo sapien hospital where friendly little ghosts are swarming, and you can have a seminar and talk about defeating evil together.", Eziahl mocked in a singsong voice.

I rolled my eyes at him.

"The way you say homo sapien, you make it seem as if we're not human.", I scowl.

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