Chapter Four

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A/N: Hi guys I hope you are enjoying the story so far and would really like more people to read my story so drop comments on any concerns and don't forget to vote;)

EVERYTHING hurts right now and even though my eyelids feel to heavy to open , behind my eyelids I can feel the intensity of bright lights above my head and I can hear a very light beeping sound.

I was so scared to open my eyes, but I did it a anyway and winced as I had to adjust to the light in the room. Im hooked to drips and it doesn't take a genius to know its a hospital. How did I get here?.

I sat up, and winced immediately because i started to feel light headed again.

"Finally you're awake", the smooth voice and I looked to my right to see Mj gu- , I mean Mike, sitting casually on one of those plus sofa thingy they have in a hospital.

I sat there dumbstruck as to what happened to me.
"Er yeah,I guess I am awake... uhm-er... what happened to me and why are you here?.", I asked politely.

"Well I was about to leave school when I heard a scream, I thought it was a cat or something but you was kicking and screaming on the floor, by the time I got to you,you was unconscious, so I uh, brought you here.", he mumbled.

"Th-thank you.", I stuttered. My throat was so sore I swear it felt as if someone tried to damn near strangle me.

Then at that time everything came back to me!. The damn scary looking thing was grabbing me thats how I ended up here!. My heartbeat quickened at the flashback of a few hours ago and I started to panic. Suddenly a pair or warm arms wrapped me into a gentle but firm embrace.

When I looked up, I discovered that Mike was hugging me trying to calm me down.
"Shhhhh, it'll be okay, just breathe.", oddly enough I calmed down and my breathing returned to normal.

I pulled back from Mike, but got into a trance looking into his chocolate brown eyes. It held alot of sparkle and beauty. He looked into my eyes as if looking for something. It was as if time stopped. It did until-

"Audrey!!!, Oh my God Audrey are you alright?. What happened to you?. Did someone hurt you?. How did you get here?!.",Mrs Clarent shrieked.

"Mrs Clarent it's all good I am okay. Just a clumsey falling incident at school I am okay really.", I said to her softly, noticing Mrs Clarents disapproving look, and also slightly forgetting that Mike was still next to me.

As if reading my thoughts, Mrs Clarent looked at Mike for the first time since she got here.
"Oh I'm sorry I didn't notice you there, I am Lorraine, Audrey's mom, and you are ?...", Mrs Clarent probes.

"Mike Jackson.", he replied, extending his hand to Mrs Clarent and she swats his hand away when he says, "I brought Audrey here.", and she very embarrassingly hugged him, probably squashing him.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you, I don't know who you are, but thank you for bringing my daughter here.", she said in relief.

I looked at Mike to find his face turning red from the lack if oxygen and I let out an involuntary giggle that legit came out of nowhere. Mrs Clarent whipped her head to me and her eyes widen, considering I haven't let out a giggle since the incident with my family. Sure I gave a smile when needed to, but I never giggled. What was happening to me?.

"Mrs Clarent you are cutting of his oxygen supply.", I say with a slight hint of humour.
Since when do I want to make jokes?.

Mrs Clarent notices, and smiles politely and then frowns.
"Audrey I told you, you don't need to call me Mrs Clarent, its Lorraine. You make me sound like I am eighty.", she said.

"Sure.", I replied half-heartedly. She tries so hard. She's not like typical foster mothers. She actually cares for Miles, Lilly and I, like her own children. Speaking of Miles and Lilly...
"Mrs- uhm I mean Lorraine, where is Miles and Lilly?.", I ask.

"Oh they are at home, they wanted to come once I got the call but I left them behind.".

I noticed Mike's questioning glance, probably wondering why I addressed my "mom" the way I did, and just then the doctor had entered the room.

"Audrey Seville is it?, well I am glad to see you are awake. I am just going to check your vitals to see if everything is stable and if you can leave.", he said, in his doctor tone.

AFTER a weird fifteen minutes of him flashing lights in my eyes, checking my temperature, and looking into my throat, he frowns when he reads my file and says, "Everything seems to be okay, but you are dehydrated a bit. You need to eat regularly, and take care of yourself. I will have to keep you here for overnight observation and do a couple of blood tests and x-rays to check for any illness or internal injuries, and if you are coherent enough, you can tell me what happened to you properly.", he said , looking at me and waiting for an answer.

"Well I was the last one out of class and I moved at snail pace to pack my bag, and when I left the class, the school was almost empty and then I -...", I trailed of, contemplating to tell the doctor about what I think I saw happened or not. I went with option two.... NOT.

"..and then I was walking down the stairs, and then I missed a couple steps and fell, hitting my head on the floor and yeah blackout. I'm clumsy I guess.", I smiled at the doctor and met Mike's questioning eyes. Probably wondering why I am lying.

The doctor left after checking my vitals and then the bomb dropped.
"So you and I both know you didn't fall since your class was on the last floor, so are you going to tell me what happened or what?.", Mike asked with that perfectly raised eyebrow.

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