Chapter Eighteen

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I could feel Eziahl clenching his fists as I still held onto his wrist. I gently rubbed his wrists and he instantly unclenched then.

I could still see Mike eyeing my hands which was still grasping Eziahls and I still held onto it. I mean I was lied to so why should I care about his feelings?. Besides... we just met and he is a stranger... who happens to know more about me that anybody in the world right now. Great.

The tension is so thick that you can practically see the testosterone in the air. To be fair though, Mike doesn't have the right to question me after what he did, who does he think he is?. Now I have gotten angry.

"I don't care to explain anything to you.", I said cooly, as I nudged Eziahl and pulled his wrist. He raised his eyebrows in question but never said anything but walked with me to the porch.

I had my hand on the doorknob and was about to turn it and saw a deadly look in Mike's eyes. If eyes could shoot bullets we'd all be dead now. I ignored it though.
"Thank you for everything. You took me to the hospital and did more than anyone should. I appreciate it but there is no need for us to keep in contact with each other. I can take care of myself.", I said.

I thought Mike would just keep quiet and walk away but no, he had to slice my heart up with his words.
"Yeah right, as if a damaged girl with daddy issues can take care of herself.", he said coldly.
I felt Eziahl shift and he looked like he was about to practically kill. I chose that moment to turn the knob and push Eziahl inside as Lorraine just came down the stairs.

"Audrey dear you're back!, and who is this.", she asked cheerfully. I swear her smile is like a ten thousand watt light bulb.

I turned to shut the door and saw Mike's crestfallen expression. He has no right to feel bad, the damage is done. I hear the voice in the back of my head, reminding me of my mantra: "Crying is a sign of weakness and one which I shall not entertain".

I then slam the door on his face and return to Lorraine and give my best huge fake smile.

"Lorraine, this is Eziahl, my childhood friend from my old house. We reconnected when I attended school that day.", I lie.

"Oh how lovely. Nice to meet you dear.", Lorraine exclaimed while crushing Eziahl into a huge and embarrassing hug. I used my hand to hide my smile while his oxygen supply was holted.

"Hello mam I am Eziahl. I hope I am not intruding.", Eziahl formally spoke. I let a giggle slip and Eziahl noticed and secretly  glared at me. Oh he was trying too hard.

I then remembered his daggers, swords and blades which was holstered on his hips and literally everywhere. My eyes scrambled across his body and there was no weapons to be seen. How did he hide all of them?. Even his scar had seemed to vanish.

"Oh no not at all dear. Any friend of Audrey is family to me.", she waved his previous statement away. She frowned after that. "Speaking of friends. Audrey, Mike was here to see you. He was looking for you. You left without telling him and he was out on the porch to talk to you. Where is he?.", she asked.

I stiffened at her question but easily lied. "Oh yeah, I saw him like two minutes ago. I had to leave because I was feeling a bit woozy but I am good ", I fake a smile.

"Oh okay.", she chirpped.

"Okay so Eziahl and I are just going to hang out and catch up if that is cool?.", I asked wearily. I have never brought a friend over, let alone a boy and that too a stranger so I wondered how would she react to this.

"Oh sure hun, head on up I will bring refreshments for you guys.", she smiled and clapped her hands while heading to the kitchen.

I offered a shaky smile to Eziahl and he returned it with a cocky smile. I roll my eyes and motion for him to follow me up the stairs, and being the clumsy idiot I am, I kick the top step and fly forward, almost crushing into the wall. I heard a chuckle from Eziahl and my cheeks flamed like a tomatoe.

I turned the knob in my door and opened it and got in my room and plopped myself onto the bed while Eziahl stood in the doorway, assessing my room. I bed he was expecting flowers and unicorns, but my room was painted a a dark grey with black posters of my favorite books and well black everything. I love the color black.

"Surprised I'm not a girl?.", I tease.

"At this point nothing surprises me.", he said.

"Well you can take a seat you know.", I say. He rolls his eyes but finally enters my room. He should feel honored being in my room. Not even Miles and Lily are allowed in here. I feel my room should be mine without any memory of anyone because when you lose them all you want to do is forget the pain.

Eziahl walked to the window and peered out of it. Ever the bodyguard.
He frowns at something outside and pokes his head put of the window.

"What is it?.", I asked.

"Nothing intresting.", he replied.

I still don't know how his weapons and scar dissapeared.

"How did you get rid of your weapons?.", I blurt.
He blinks and then smiles. "All my weapons are here with me, on me. You just can't see it. It's called a siel. An illusion.", he says, while waving his hands across his hips and the shiny blade is holstered on his hip.

I stare in awe until he speaks up. "What I want to know is who was that guy who thinks he can speak to you however he pleases.", he clenches his jaw. I gulp.

"Well he is a stranger who found me twitching on the floor after I was attacked by a demon in school.", I shurgged.

"So you kiss strangers in lakes... nice.", he taunted.

I glared at him. "If you knew I was in danger couldn't you have saved me?.", I huffed.

"Saved you against a demon who was harmless?. Seems like a waste of my talent doesn't it?.", he remarks.

Harmless!!!?. He calls a demon who tried to drown me harmless!.

"Have you lost your head. That demon could of killed me you imbercile.", I huff in anger.

"I couldn't save you even if I wanted to. That is a water demon. My weakness. Every protector has a demon who is their downfall. Mine happens to be a water demon. It's like being allergic to nuts. You eat it and you die.", he said plainly with no emotion.

Now I feel like an idiot for throwing a tantrum.

"Oh I see.", I said.

We never said a word after that and for a few minutes we sat in comfortable silence. That is until there was a huge thud on the door.

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