Chapter Five

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"Erm uh well I did fall.", I let out a nervous laugh.

Mike gave me a pointed stare with his perfectly shaped eyebrow. How the heck is it arched so perfectly?.

"Fine, I know that's not what happened, but it's fine just leave it, why do I even care.", he said with a hint of irritation.

"I'm sorry, thank you for bringing me here though... that was very nice of you.", I stated , with a small sigh.

He met my gaze and the look in his eyes softened to my surprised.

"Well-uh... I'm just gonna go.", he stated nervously.

"Okay... thanks again.", I said lamely.

He turned and did a small wave to indicate his leave and I was left in the room with my thoughts and weird beepings of a machine, and I found my eyes drifting back to sleep, and escaped to the dreams of happier times with my family.

"Audrey!.", I could hear a familiar voice accompanied by frenzied hands shaking me awake.

I opened my eyes and to my utter shock it was Jenny, the weird lady back at my old place. She was our neighbour, and my grandma's best friend.

"Hi Ms Jenny, what are you doing here?.", I ask, how did she know I was here?.

"Audrey that is not important. I want to talk to you about what you saw this morning. Listen I don't have time to talk to you about this here, tomorrow at noon come to me I will have to explain the things your grandma was talking about before.", she whispered in a rush, frantically looking behind her shoulder.

Does this have to do with the gift my grandma was talking about?. What is happening to me?. I see strange creatures and then some bloody thing decides it wants to kill me?. Im a schizophrenic?. Maybe I will wake up and everything is a dream right?. I closed my eyes ... counted to ten... opened it again and I see Ms Jenny's questioning eyes.

It wouldn't hurt to go and speak to her right?

"Okay Ms Jenny, tomorrow I will be there, but I need alot of answers.", I hesitated.

She nods and then leaves when she hears the nurses coming back in the room.

I have to stay the night in this place, after todays incidents I would like to be surrounded by people instead of being scared all the time. Oh how I wish someone would be here with me. I wish that person was my mom. I miss her dearly, she was the most amazing person I could ever ask for and I lost her.

My eyes teared at the thought of losing my mom but I held it in. I don't cry. I lost all my tears a few years ago. If that is scientifically possible.

A few hours later and a visit from Lorraine, the skys had darkened. The nurses did the last round of check ups for me and adjusted my drips and just like that it was time for me to knock of.

That is going to be hard, much like the hospital beds. Would it kill someone to actually put comfortable mattresses on this damn thing?.

I decided to ignore the uncomfortable feeling and close my eyes, wishing for some sleep to consume me, but my plans were spoiled by a familiar, yet unwelcomed chill.

I shivered, but refused to open my eyes. I could feel the room grow cold, slowly. Must be the air conditioning right?. I managed to keep my teeth chattering under control but just then, the covers, which is as thin as toilet paper by the way, jerks out of my body, leaving me and my hospital gown.

Please please please be a bad dream, I hoped desperately. Everything at that moment was still and just when I was about to calm down, my blood ran cold just as my hand was gripped by what felt like a hand which was left in Antarctica for like forever.

Well I'm not gonna just sit here!, I opened my eyes and saw a little girl with two pigtails gripping my hand, the only problem was that she was a bloody mess. Her beautiful face had scars so deep that it was horrific to look at.

Then everything hit me like a ton of bricks. She's not alive. It can never be. Her eyes are even different. What the hell is happening?. My first instinct is to scream but my voice seems to have gone.

"Can you help me please?, I lost my mommy. We were on our way to the park when my mommy's car didn't want to stop. I was brought here and when I found my mom she was crying and didn't even look at me when I touched her.", she spoke and I was stunned.

The little girl was definately not alive since the damn mirror in reflecting me doesn't reflect her. Isn't that a sign this is a ghost?... at least thats what those horror movies I watch say.

Maybe this is all a bad dream I hope. Sure, it won't hurt to just answer her. She loons so vulnerable and innocent.

"I am so sorry little one. I wish I could help you but I don't even know who your mommy is.", I spoke softly.

The little girls eyes widen and I see pools of black. There's no pupil in the eye as people have. Her eyes are empty.

"You can hear me?.", she asks in awe.

"Yes darling I can.", I offered her a warm smile.

Am I crazy for talking to a ghost?. Maybe.

"Everyone else can't hear me. I know I am dead, but I would really like to meet my mommy one last time. I need to tell her sorry for not listening when she told me click my seatbelt in.", she says with her head bowed to the floor.

"Well, where is your mommy little one?.", I asked.

"My name is Celene, not little one, and my mommy was last walking around the hallway.", she beamed, whilst pointing a finger towards the doors.

Am I a bit crazy for listening to a ghost?. Yes, but shes harmless.

I motioned for her to follow me and winced as soon as I removed the drips and winced again as soon as she touched me. The ice cold feeling chilled my body till the bone, but I said nothing. I'm not looking to aggravate a ghost, no matter how innocently dead they look.

She latched on to my hand and walked out of the door with me.

"That's my mommy!!", she squealed and pointed to the end of the lobby. My eyes widened as I see that her supposed mother. She looks gruesome. Her neck has huge slashes and blood dripping everywhere.

I want to look away and run, but I have the crazy urge to help this little ghost.

"Theres your mommy Celene, you can go.", I spoke softly.
At that very instant, she latched on tighter, making her grip on my hand painful, and just like that the lights started to flicker, and then it dawned to me as I looked up, that these are no friendly ghosts.

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