Chapter One

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Authors Note:
(Hii there you!!, yes you,the one who decided to read my very first attempt to write a book of my very own. This is my first book. I have had a passion for reading since I was in the second grade. I love reading so much and I was like what the heck let me give it a try.
I am a highschool student,almost done with schooling anyway, and I would really like some feedback on my first chapter being published. Feel free to drop your thoughts on this chapter. I will release a minimum of three to four chapters day and that is a promise.  Today I am a bit skeptical as its my first chapter... but yeah I won't keep you guys reading an authors note for the next hour .. so have at it...;)

We all have that time in our lives where everything seems perfect and too good to be true, and as the clichè goes, all good things
must come to an end right?.

Imagine being twelve years old and having a family of seven who loves you dearly, die in a plane crash and you are left all alone in the world without knowing any extended family... nothing.

My entire family, which consisted of my two cousins, my mom, grandparents and my aunty and uncle, had decided to have a vacation in the Bahamas, and as blessed as we were with finance , I was known for being a brat. I didn't want to go to the Bahamas because I never visited the same vaction destination twice, ever. So then since I always got what I want , they agreed to leave me at home provided that I stay with the babysitter of their choice.

They left me alone with our weird neighbour Jamie. She was alot older than me around the age of eighteen. My grandmother always told me that our neigbours are very superstitious people as in "Seeing a black cat is bad luck" superstitious. I never paid heed to any of the craziness around me until one day Jenny, Jamies grandmother had pointed at me and said,  "Becareful of that gift you can get into trouble", and what was more creepy, my grandmother said "She doesn't need to know about it now". So many times I had pestered her to tell me what Jenny was talking about but I got nothing in return.

And now that I am all alone in this world without anyone , I have no one to answer that question. All I have is a foster home which doesn't give a damn about me anyway. After the accident I became numb and had no emotion for a solid year. I was in a girls hostel where adoptions took place for orphans like me, if I was only eighteen I would have access to the assets everyone had left me and I would feel more closer to the only people I had to call family... but things don't work out the way you want it to, and since I was an emotionless thirteen year old and no one cared to adopt a teenager with more depression that the usual, and now I am turning sixteen and at a foster home with Mrs Clarent. She is not mean like the foster lady from 'Annie' , she is incredibly loving and kind but I wish I had my family with me. The Seville family was well respected in New Orleans and I was a little fragile brat of the family that didn't want to go with them on vaction and missed my chance of ever being with them again. Its all my fault.

"Audrey Seville get out of that bed this very instant!", yelled Mrs Clarent, snapping me out of my morning narration of the tragic events of what is suppose to be my life.
She says I can call her mom, but I don't think I have it in me. No one can replace my mom since she played the role of my mom and dad since my dad decided he wasn't "ready" for a family, I mean who the heck ditches a three week old?. I stash that thought for another time.

I then drag my petite body out of bed and despite being tired from staring at the ceiling the entire night, I decided to shower in a record time of 5 minutes and get ready for my first year of hell. High School. I was home schooled unlike the other foster kids I lived with, because I had severe depression and needed a different kind of affection.

After showering I had paired my skinny black ripped jeans with a sweat shirt that says Thrasher and I use my converse which looks like it has seen better days, and since I don't give a flying fish about my appearance , I just piled my chestnut colored hair into a messy bun and skipped downstairs to the rest of the foster kids I lived with.

"Audrey what the heck are you wearing?", asked my foster brother Miles.
"Yeah, this is your first day in highschool, whats with the 'I don't care what I look like' look?", chimed Lilly, my foster sister.
Even though people say "foster brothers and sisters", I consider them my real siblings.
"Firstly I am using clothes Miles and secondly I really don't care how I look, I am going to school to pass and not to look appealing", I replied with a sassy smile.

"Smartass.", Miles mumbled , earning a glare from Mrs Clarent.
"Watch the language Miles , if you call her a smart butt I wouldn't bat an eyelash but no funny words allowed in this house.", she teased, with a slight warning tone.

"And Audrey I don't see anything wrong with your appearance, and I am proud of you coming out of your shell and trying to be a normal teenager again.", she smiled and her eyes letting me know it wasn't my fault.

Before I know it, I hear the hooter of a school bus blaring outside the house.
"Well thats our cue.", Lilly said and grabbed my hand and led me to the bus. As I got on the bus I felt all eyes on me, but decided to ignore it and sit next to a window away from everyone.

The highschool is not that far from my family home which the bus passes and while the bus approaches the next stop, my eyes seem to be playing tricks on me as it widens when I take in the sight of Jenny, the old lady from next door, who was always going on and on about my 'gift', but thats not what made my eyes widen... it was that black horrific looking thing which was peering at me from behind Jenny, yes I have no idea what it was and had to blink a couple of times , and then I caught a sight of Jenny's eyes widening and she looks like shes hyperventilating.
Weird. Morning. Ever!.

It takes us five minutes to get to New Orleans Spirt Peak High School, and as I set foot of the bus I felt a chill run down my spine and like a weird feeling washed over me. What so is that chilly feeling a sign for bad luck or something?. Great, now I sound like Jenny.

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