Chapter Twenty Seven

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It has been a solid two weeks of painful and freakish training at the Medilar. Eziahl has taught me to use his blades, how to create portals and how to create a siel. Well the siel thing didn't go as planned because instead of using a siel to hide objects, I ended up hiding myself in the process. Harry potter's invisibility cloak aint got nothing on me!.

Merlia on the other had... well I dreaded my training sessions with her. She taught me how so summon spirits and that did not go easy. I ended up summoning an evil spirt and let's just say an innocent incarnate had to go through a serious excorsim.

"Again. You need to command it. Show authority in your voice!.", Merlia commanded. Easy for her to say, she has the easy job. Bark orders. Me?... I have to practically tame untamable 'things'.

"I'm trying!. Its not easy!. Especially when you dealing with silent hellhounds!. You can't hear it but the silence hurts my friken ears.", I yell back. Merlia takes a calming breath and then shoots me with a glare that has me shrinking in my seat.

I take a deep breath... count to ten, and start all over again. I can feel it, I can do this. It's going to hurt my ears and entire body, but I have to try and get this right.

I relax my body and read the name of the spirt I want to summon. Lisith. She was a mother who lost her children to demons. She ended up giving her life up to protect others. I always thought urban legends were a whole lot of bullshit, but really, it's not. 

"Selithè.... sèlia, I command thee to be my custodian. I command you this instant Lisith.!", I command, more powerfully than I have ever tried. I can feel the ice in my veins. I can feel the power at my fingertips.

The lights above us flicker and a swarm of grey dust swirls in the room, causing the books on the shelves to hit the floor, causing the room to turn ice cold and causing me to cuss because I think I have summoned a demon... again.

When I open my eyes after the dust had settled, before me is a woman I have not met before. Merlia's eyes are wide as saucers as she looks at me with a smile tugging at her lips.

This Woman, if I can call her that, looked beautiful ... yet hideous. She had no mouth but her eyes had pools of black.

She reaches for hand and I was about to bolt, when Merlia shakes her head, signalling me not to.

I hesitantly give the woman my hand and she siezes it in her own.

My eyes roll back into my head as it feels like I have been transported to another world.

"Little girl. What are you doing summoning me.", her voice echos.

I turn around and notice it's now just me and the woman, alone in the library. Except... this time, her mouth is there, and she is speaking to me as if she is a normal incarnate.

I take a shakey breath to answer her but she cuts me of.

"If you're in doubt, why summon me foolish girl!.", she commands.

I gain my confidence back from my bubbling anger as to her reference of me being foolish

"I am Audrey, the prophesy of Casaha.", I say boldly and watch a smirk appeae in the womans face.

"I request you to offer your assistance in the battle if defeating my mother.", I continue.

"And what is it that you have to offer me in return.", asked the woman.

"Nothing mam. But as a higher order and a product of a prophesy, I command you, Lisith to offer your assistance in this battle of mine.", I command. I remember Merlia and her teachings. I don't make deals with the spirts, I own them. I command them. I have that power.

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