Chapter Three

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My eyes widen at the horrific sight before my eyes. It was a creature at the very least , standing behind me with red sticky liquid, which had a consistency similar to honey, and it had huge eyes with white blotches around it and tears in the form of blood, and something similar to a black smoke was oozing from its body.

In all my years of watching horror movies i have never seen anything like this ever before. I wanted to cry and when I tried to scream, the lights flickered and no sound came out from my mouth at all, my breath hitched and holted in my throat and I felt as if I am suffocating. Just when I was about to pass out the horrorfic figure had just dissapeared.

I scrambled to my feet and darted out of the rest room and walked at leopard speed, not even caring where I am walking.
"It was just your mind playing tricks on you Audrey, nothing more.", I chanted that line I think a couple times until I came to an abrupt halt when I walked smack dab into a tall tree.

Wait- a tree in the actual school building?, I slowly looked up to meet the angry scowl of Mj guy, whose can of sprite seemed to be consumed by his shirt.
"Can't you see where you are going?!.Walk much?!.", he shouted and arched his right eyebrow at me. How is his eyebrow shaped so perfectly?. Surely he doesn't do his eyebrows?.Does he?, it looks pretty awesome and the shape of his- hey wait he yelled at me!.
"I am sorry really I am, I didn't mean to run into you.", I said, in almost a whisper. Where the hell has my voice gone?. You sure told him off Audrey.

"Don't be sorry becareful.", he muttered in an angry tone. I looked up again to tell him he can take his anger and flush it, but then I locked my eyes with his and didn't notice how brown and beautiful his eyes were, along with this long lashes.

The buzzer rang breaking up that awkward staring trance that happened a while ago. Even though I was looking into Mj guys eyes, I felt the familiar chill of something running down my spine.
Note to self : Stop calling him Mj guy and learn his name.

I ran of to the next class I had which was English literature, and drum roll ... I was seated next to Mj guy again. I visibly tensed as I walk toward him and he smirked when I sat down with a huff. English Lit is not like any other class where the desks have spaces, this class has jointed tables where you can't even seperate your desks if you wanted to.

"Class, this semester we will be starting of with old literary novels. The first novel we will touch on is 'Jane Eyre' by Charlotte Bronté and this novel will be your assignment as you would have to re create the book into a more modern version and look deeper into literary devices and find the authors main focal point of the novel, and once you have re created the novel in your perspective, it is to be acted out in class and is work 50% of your semester, you will have to chose a partner and get started.", the teacher, Mrs Scott announced and walked back to her desk and almost tripping on her floor length skirt.

You would think I am fitting in just well. Well I can't seem to concentrate on anything after that incident in the restrooms. I still think i was hallucinating because there is no way stuff like that is real its just the mind right ?. At least I hope so becau-
"Miss Seville are you listening?.", Mrs scott calls, interrupting my thoughts, see what i mean.
"Uhm... yes?", I say, and that sounds more like a question.
"So as I was saying Miss Seville, you will be paired with Mike Jackson, Lamar Mount with Dana Leads , Jessie Gomez with Carter brookes...", she continues to call out random pairs and I'm trying to figure out who is Mike Jackson.

Wait... Jackson?... No no no it can't be Mj guy here, I am sure there is another dude with a Jackson surname right?...RIGHT?.

"So I guess we are partner's then", Mj guys voice startles me, and I turn , facing him and cringe at the thought.

"So you are Mike Jackson then?", I ask lamely, probably stating the obvious.

"The one and only.", he states, flashing me a smile , which is hard not to return.

"Cool, so when do we get started?", I ask.

"Well we are going to be working on the project for 2 weeks and since my house is right across the school, so everyday at 3 my place?.", he asks, asking in his bored tone. If he goes back to being the arrogant Mj dude from earlier on I'm going to let him have it.

"Why 2 weeks?.I thought this assignment is due this week on Friday." I ask with raised eyebrows.

"2 weeks because as much as I hate it , you are my partner for the chemistry assignment as well.", he snapped and then scowled at me.

I sighed and got started on Jane Eyre. Time flies when you read a good book. Buzzer rang and the day was almost over. As I was the last one to pack my books and leave the last lesson for the day, I realize most of the students have spilled out if school, eagerly wanting to go home.

I made my way down the hall, passing the lockers, and that is when I felt the hairs at the back of my neck stand and something pulling at my leg until I fell and hit my head on the ground, and I could feel myself fading as I was dragged.

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