Chapter Thirty

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"What in the ever loving hell!.", I yell at Eziahl. He just roars with laughter like the dumbass he is.

I glare at him and he instantly shuts his mouth. I push him aside and walk ahead of him and I nod my head in a 'no' motion making it clear that he doesn't walk next to me because God knows that I will kill him.

I stomp my way out of the yard and walk about only a block until I am tripping and falling on God knows what. I let out a shriek as I prepare my lips to kiss the concrete, but that never happens.

Strong arms wrap around my waist and I am then suspended into air and suddenly is carried bridal style by some tall oaf. After my vision clears I figure that the big oaf is non other than Mike.

"We can't take you anywhere without falling. Like is there a day that you don't ever fall?.", Mike laughs.

I roll my eyes and hear the dipshit behind me who is roaring with laughter.

"You should have let her fall bro, she deserves it for launching me and trying to be like superman and avoid all the cracks. Too bad her feet has its own brain.", he remarked.

I pulled out my hair grip from my hair and launch it into Eziahls direction and it hits him in the eye. He grunts and curses as I shake with silent laughter.

"That's my girl.", Mike whispers. I blush like an idiot because he called me 'his girl'. How clichè.

"You can put me down now.", I chuckle nervously, and he does just as I ask and places me down on my clumsy and traitorous feet.

Eziahl jogs up to us and wisely walks beside Mike. Mike and Eziahl talk animatedly about sports, while I inspect the road for any more falling traps.

I suddenly feel fingers interlocking with mine and I instantly feel goosebumps on my skin. Mike.

I feel Eziahl smirking at us and I glare at him.

"Stop being angry with me, infact you should thank me or else Lorraine would have seen the ... impact Mike had on you.", he taunts.

I groan while Mike freezes and stays on the spot. Mike's eyes instinctively focuses on the mark that he left on my neck and he blushes. He blushes!.

"I am going to need to get ten thousand miles away from you two. You guys are gross.", groans Eziahl, while he dramatically walks away from us, leaving us alone.

We continue walking and occasionally glancing at each other. The butterflies in my tummy has multiplied and I feel weird.

Sure, feel weird after he has kissed you and bit you, my annoying subconscious adds. I inwardly groan and stop abruptly.

"Stop being weird.", I whine, and that elicits a laugh from Eziahl, who happens to be not so far away.

"I'm not being weird, you are.", Mike says, while rolling his eyes.

I notice Eziahl stop and the siel on his weapons fades away as he reaches for his dagger.

"Audrey get down!.", he yells, but it's too late as a black gruesome creature launches itself at me and I am thrown to the concrete.

I wheeze out as I struggle against its grasp and kick ineffectively at the beast.

Mike fly's to my rescue but he forgets that he isn't trained as a medium or even a protector and he gets himself flung against the electricity pole.

That is when I see him wince in pain and I see red. Eziahl flings a dagger at the creature but it misses and lands right next to me. Maybe his aim wasn't for the creature after all.

With the creature momentarily distracted with Eziahl's dagger action, I manage to grab the dagger and I drive it into the creatures sternum just as Eziahl had taught me in training at the Medilar, and with a screech which obviously the cause for my bleeding ear, it vanishes in an illusion of black mist.

Eziahl rushes over to me but I manage to squeak out Mike's name and Eziahl's eyebrow reaches his hairline as he sprints to Mike to help him up. He is sure to have a few broken ribs at this point.

The initial shock of demon's wore of along time ago for me, but for Mike, it must have been one trauma experience.

He grunts as Eziahl helps him up, hoisting one of his arms onto his shoulder as he struggles to stay up in his feet.

I reach them both and Mike's eyes immediately follow to the trail of blood which is leaking from my ear.

"Are you okay?.", he croaks.

This is because of me. If he hadn't been exposed to this from the start, he wouldn't have gotten hurt by a rampage demon.

"I am okay. You should worry about yourself though, that was brutal. Are you okay?.", I ask , my voice breaking as I see the bruises on his face.

"I will be okay once you kiss me.", He smirks. He is cocky even when he is hurt.

I blush at the same time Eziahl groans, and despite Eziahl's protesting groan, I kiss Mike softly and then remember we need to get him to the hospital.

"He has to go to the hospital.", I say to Eziahl , but my eyes still on Mike.

"No", both Eziahl and Mike say at the same time.

I question Eziahl with a raised eyebrow.

"He can't go to any hospital Audrey, he is human and has been flung by a demon. No hospital is going to cure demon poisoning.", He says,while pointing to the hand marks left on Mike's neck. It's already starting to look bad.

"What do we do then?.", I ask, on the verge of a mental breakdown.

"We take him to the Medilar.", announces Eziahl, while he scoops Mike bridal style.

It would be funny under normal circumstances but now is not the time.

Who would have thought this morning would go from flirting to fear in a matter of a few minutes.

The paranormal world... is a messed up place. Stephen king has got his ideas nailed down down to the point. The only thing he isn't aware of, is that his imaginative stories could actually be true

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