Chapter Six

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I looked up and my heart started pounding. It was the exact same black figure that I have been seen for a while now. My breath seemed to have evaporated. What is happening to me?.

"Who are you!.", I yelled.

Where I got the bravery from only God knows.

Suddenly the figure was right in front of my face. Whispering in a weird language... which I knew... but how do I understand?.

"Hassssssaaaaaallaaaaaaa", it whispered.

I understood that it meant death, but how?. Out of nowhere, I started to speak and the words that came out from my mouth were foreign to my own ears.

"Casssssaaaaahasssaaaa", I whispered back, and then the lights returned to its normal state and it was as if nothing had happened.

I ran back to my ward and got back onto the uncomfortable mattress and did something I haven't done since my families tragedy... I prayed.

I wake up to bright light and my head seems heavy. It takes a while to realize I am at the hospital and last nights incident hit me like a ton of bricks.

I ignored the memory and glanced up just in time to see Mike?, walking towards my ward.

I had to rub my eyes to make sure I wasn't dreaming.

"Good morning little miss falling with no explanation.", he chirped.

He can make jokes?. Wow and here I was thinking he wasn't approachable.

"Uhmm He- hey there.", I stuttered ungracefully. Its not like I can plain down be like 'Yo so like what you doing here'. I scowled inwardly at my useless brain.

"Incase you are wondering, I told your mom I would pick you up from the hospital.", he smiled that dazzling smile and I was sure not to miss the emphasis on the word 'mom'.

"Er thank you?, I guess.", I muttered, it sounded more like a question.

"Think you can get up on your own?", he asked gently.

I tried not to act surprised with his sudden 'niceness' , is that even a word?. I swung both my feet over the edge of the bed and winced immediately when I had gotten up too fast.

I felt light headed and dizzy, but since stubborn is my middle name, I woke up anyway and immediately lost my balance.

Just when I thought I aas going to give the floor a hug, Mike steadied me until my head felt like it was screwed on just right.

"Okay seems like you're still light headed, don't worry I got you.", and without so much of a warning, he scooped me up in his arms and carried me though the hospital corridor, lobby and finally out of the door.

I was rendered speechless. Is this the same arrogant Mike I had met a the other day or is he possessed.

Just then my mood went downward and I shivered and started shaking. He must have felt it because in an instant I was in his... car?. He had a car?.

"Audrey, what's going on?, can you hear me?.", Mike gripped my face in his hands and forced my head up and he looked into my eyes.

Again. Instant calm.

I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm great. Uhm I don't want to be rude but what are you doing here?.", I pushed and immediately regretted it.

"Does it matter why I am here?.", he snapped. Sheesh would it kill him to be a bit nicer to an injured girl.

I never said a word after that. He drove on the way to my house. Well Lorraines house. I couldn't go home though. I needed to speak to Jenny.

"Uhm, can you drop me of somewhere else?. I have something to sort out.", I said.

I chanced a glance at Mike, just in time, to catch that jaw of his clench and his hand tighten around the steering wheel.

I braced myself against the door, because as far as I have observed, I know that when Mike gets angry, you'd want to stay away from him.

Not because he would hurt anyone (I think) , but because when he snaps at you, you will feel his words chill you to the bone.

"Fine, what's the address?.", he snapped.

I tatted of my address, stumbling across my words and stuttering because he scares the living hairs out of me.

He drove to my old house without any more questions. I even noticed his jaw relaxing which was a good sign right?.

Finally after the awkward tension in the car, he pulled up to Jenny's house.

He jumped out of his side of the car and jogged to my side and opened the door. He held out his hand for me to grasp and even though I didn't want to because of his damn attitude, I held on anyway because I am stubborn not stupid. If I didn't use him as my human support structure I would have had a make out session with the floor in an instant.

I held on to his arms aas he guided me to the door of Jenny's residence.

He rung the bell and waited until Jenny opened the door. I expected him leave but instead he grasped onto my hand a little tighter, implying that he isn't leaving any time soon.

The last thing I need is to show him what a weirdo I am. I mean I know the secind I glance at my old home I am going to start sobbing like a baby. Old wounds cut deep.

"Uhm Mike?.", he looked at me.

"It's okay you can leave now.", I stumbled again and regretted the words as they left my mouth because his eyes dilated and his jaw clenched again making it obvious that he was going to snap again.

"I am not leaving you in this condition Audrey. I don't know why you're here or for what, and I don't care why, but if something happens to you I am not going to be held responsible for it. So its either I stay or I drag you home kicking and screaming.", he warned in a deceptively low tone.

Sent chills through me. Damn. He is more scary than the weird creatures I have been seeing of late.

Jenny gave me a questioning look.

"Come in then.", she gave me a pointed stare, which I'm sure Mike didn't miss either. She didn't want him there and didn't even care.

"It's okay Jenny I trust him. He wouldn't say anything, and quiet frankly I need someone here because I don't even know whats happening with me.", that got Mike's  attention and he snapped his head towards me and his gaze softened.

"Okay Audrey, but this is going to come across as crazy and maybe deniable, but you know what you saw and what hurt you and put you in the hospital.", she said.

She moved to the dining area, probing us to follow her.

"I am going to make a fresh pot of tea. We are going to need it.", she sighed.

Mike gave me a questioning look while he lead me to the dining area, with his hands at the small of my back.

I feared whatever Jenny was about to tell me, wasn't going to be something I wouldn't like.

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