Chapter Seven

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Mike looked at me with so many questions in his eyes. I avoided him and looked at the floor and waited until Jenny decided to come back.

After what seemed to be awkward eternity, Jenny showed up with tea, some sugar cubes in her Fine China dinner set she supposedly had since she was married.

She offered me a cup and I happily took it because her tea was to die for. She used a special mix of chamomile and rooibos with a hint of honey. It relaxes you.

Mike declined the tea but got served a cup anyway. Jenny will take offense if you decline anything she makes.

My lips curved into a secret smile as I spotted Mike from the corner of my eye, plopping two cubes of sugar into his tea cup. I graced my taste buds with the heavenly taste of the tea. If you think that coffee is better than tea. You need to get your head examined.

Jenny gulped her tea in one go while it was piping hot, probably scalding her esophagus while she was at it, and then she adjusted her position to face me. She had the seat right next to me, while Mike was sitting across from me, surveying the dining area.

"Audrey, are you sure you don't want to talk about this in private?.", she asked gently, but pointing her eyebrows towards Mike, who scowled at her, and then turned to me expectantly waiting for me to answer him.

"Yes I am sure.", I muttered confidently, and that seemed to illicit a small smile from Mike.

"Okay then, I am going to warn you though, this has alot to do with your past Audrey. More relatively speaking, your grandmother. What I am about to tell you will not be easy to comprehend but you need to listen.", she warned.

"Okay Jenny, I need to know, does this have anything to do with that gift you kept going on about.", I asked desperately. I just wanted to leave because Mike's gaze was practically burning into my soul. As if he is trying to figure me out. Goodluck with that, I can barely figure myself out .

"Audrey what you saw that day was not something in a halloween outfit. You have reached the age where strange things will happen to you. It's a part of you and you can't deny it.", she stated.

My memory brought me back to the morning on the bus when I saw the shadow figure behind Jenny.

I was well aware that Mike was confused, but I didn't care, I needed answers.

"Jenny, on the first day of school when you waved at me, there was something behind you, and judging by your expression that day I know you saw it too. What was it?.", I asked shakily.

There was goosebumps on my hand as I shuddered at the image I remember so clearly.

"The incident that happened with your family was no accident Audrey.", she whispered, as if she was telling me the password for the Pentagon buildings.

I sucked in a deep amount of air and temporarily closed my eyes and felt the numbness take over me. I was fine with not feeling anything because it hurts too much to think about what I have lost.


Did she just say it wasn't an accident?. Then what really happened?.

"What do you mean it wasn't an accident Jenny.", my voice shivered because I was afraid of what I would hear.

I met Mike's eyes briefly and the anxiety attack that was coming on, wore off. He was still confused but he remained silent.

"Audrey, the accident wasn't on purpose, it was because of something sinister. Your grandmother had a supernatural gift. The one to communicate with the dead. It wasn't passed on to your mom but rather to you. Your grandmother had helped many people with her gift, until two weeks before the accident , she communicated with a demon and not something... lets just say nice. Your gift wasn't active at that point because you was young, but now you need to prepare yourself.", she finished.

My head span with confusion and so many questions. I didn't believe in ghosts and the supernatural, but at this point I don't know what to believe. 

As my head span with so many questions and theories, I felt darkness consuming my vision and I could feel myself falling.

"Audrey!", I heard Mike's voice but it seemed so distant. I let my eyes close until the dizziness and darkness consumed me.


A/N: Hi readers. Firstly I am sorry this chapter is a bit shorter as I would like to address a few ... things... so I had changed the cover of the book. Drop a comment .. is it better than the first one?.
And secondly... I know I haven't been posting as much as I promised but due to this pandemic , all I seem to be doing is sleeping!!! And quarantine sucks!!! But ii hope you're enjoying this story... and surprise : THIS BOOK WILL BE COMPLETE BY THE END OF THE MONTH!!!!! AND THATS A PROMISE

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