Chapter Seventeen

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Demon blood!. You've got to be kidding me ... how many blows can I take in a single day.

"Demon blood?.", I repeated incredulously. Wait am I a demon then?. My eyebrows shot up at the thought.

"Yes demon blood. Which is why when you was walking through the Lezech you could hear horrific sounds even though there is utter silence. No normal medium or person with supernatural power could have heard it that is what makes you unique. You have demon blood in you but that does not make you a demon.", she said.

"How does having demon blood in me not make me a demon?", I asked with an eyeroll. Basically it's like saying I am having bacon for breakfast but it's not a pig.

"It's because you have angel blood in you too. This is not normal obviously, which is why you're in danger. Creatures would want to know how can there be a medium with both angel and demon blood in them. Good triumphs evil in every case, that is inevitable which is why you're not evil or demonic, but you hear things no one else can. You're the prophesy of Casaha. You are the chosen one who can demolish any evil because of your blood.", she said with a worried tone.

"What is the prophesy of Casaha?.", I ask.

"Thats enough for today Audrey, if I recall you was attacked by a demon and ended up in hospital it's time to go home.", Eziahl interrupts Merlia before she can even open her mouth. I was about to protest against his decision when Merlia spoke.
"He is right. Thats enough for today. Get home, get some rest, and I will see you again. ", she hugged me awkardly while Eziahl drew out his fancy sword and tapped it on the wall, while muttering the same words he said the last time.

I walked towards the portal with Eziahl right next to me, and we both placed our hands onto the portal. I felt like hurling at this point. The portal feels horrible when you go through it. Don't let the movies fool you.

I hit the ground with a thud and groaned at the pain to my ribs.

"Get off, you're heavy", the ground nudged at me. Wait the ground!. I looked to see that I am not om the ground, but rather on top of Eziahl. I scrambled to my feet and gave him a sheepish smile. He growled at me. Literally growled.

If I wasn't in such a rush to get my butt home, I would have stayed for chit chat, but I have been gone for quite a while now.

"Anywhoo... I got to get home I guess I'll see you around?.", I said in a singsong voice.

He just gave me a deadly look and I questioned him with a shake of my head as if to say 'what?'.

"Hold on princess. You need protection and I have to be around almost all the time considering you are so accident prone.", he stated plainly. Would it kill him to add a little lifeness to his world. He seems like a dead soul.

"No no no. I dont need your protection.", I huffed in annoyance. I mean I don't need a baby sitter especially not a stranger I have no clue about. Well I really shouldn't have a double standard mind considering what had happened with Mike... and he was a stranger too.

He clenched his jaw and balled his fists. Great another person who had a temper.
"This is coming from a girl who got attacked by a water demon in the lake.", he asked with an eyeroll.

"How did you know about that?.", I asked.

He smirked at me and shook his head. "While you and prince kissy lips was busy I was watching you. I have been watching you since you was fifteen. Since most mediums discover their abilities at the age of sixteen I had to be on high alert."

"How old are you then? Fifty?.", I teased.

"Fifty?, no , as a matter of fact I am turning seventeen in a few days time.", he scowled.

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