Chapter Two

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I ignored the chill and walked towards my new school. Public schooling is going to take alot of time to adjust to, as I was home schooled mostly.

The school is apparently haunted, no surprise here considering this is New Orleans and everything is supposedly haunted.

I make my way to the registration office as Lilly had instruced me to and after I was handed my class shedual I inwardly cringe as I see chemistry in the first period followed by advanced maths and then killing me dead with physics in the third period, as I was escorted to room 72.

I entered the classroom and the teacher in that class had noticed me standing awkwardly at the door and smiled at me and then introduced me to the class.
"Ah Audrey Seville. Class, this is Audrey Seville, our newest student I trust that everyone will make her feel welcomed to our school.", he stated pointedly, and then turned his attention to me.
"I am Mr Haymen, the Chemistry teacher of this class", he smiled warmly and gestured for me to take a seat in the only seat available in the back. I did a quick scan around the classroom and sureeeee 11th graders are here to make friends and play at the playground (heavy sarcasm there).

As I made my way to the back of the class a guy sitting adjacent to me had his foot casually resting on the chair I was meant to be sitting in. Really?. This is like every stupid clichè teen movie I see, the new girl is ALWAYS the one to tell a mean girl off or ask someone to get out of her seat and blah blah.

I clear my throat in an attempt to get leggie boys attention. He was using a "Michael Jackson Thriller" shirt, along with black jeans and a pair of white Jordans which look amazing and- wait I'm suppose to be mad.

"Uhm, excuse me?.", I said, almost in a whisper.
"Can you - uhm , please remove your feet from my seat?.", I asked calmly.
The Mj guy lazily looked up at me as if he hasn't seen me standing there.
"Your seat?, I believe this is school property, and my shoes need to remain white so I suggest you find a seat somewhere else.", mj guy states in a bored tone.
Calm down Audrey my brain echoes.
"Well sorry to break it to you and your shoes , but there are no other seats available and I was instructed to sit here, so kindly instruct your Jordans to get out of my seat if they don't want to change their color from white to black by the end of this day.", I say with a faint smile on my lips. Hold up!!!, did I just threaten Mj guys shoes?. Why would I--? Ugh never mind.

"Is there a problem there Mr Jackson?", Mr Haymen asks pointedly staring at his feet.
Mj guy didn't say anything but he removed his feet but glared at me from the side of his eye. And is his surname Jackson?. Wow surely a Michael Jackson fan. I took my seat finally and then the bell rang indicating it was chemistry and the dread settled in. When I was home schooled, I did work at my own pace and now this is a new environment for me.

I notice that Mj guy is still seated, which means he has chemistry with me, and to my dismay he pulls the chair which is in front and rests his shoes on it. I roll my eyes at that movement and try to pay attention to the lesson based on chemical reactions.

"Class I am handing out an assignment which is worth 85% of your semester, and  which will be completed by the end of this week, and it is a group effort, and by that I mean a pair of 2 which will be chosen by me, to research and represent data on the different types of chemical changes there is, outside my class is your pairing list, when you leave the class you may have look. ", he then clapped his hands and continued with work.

When the bell had rang , I packed my books needed and headed to room 50 which was apparently advanced maths and a room which was all the way to the other side of the building. I didn't bother looking at the list as I didn't know who anyone was at this school.

I arrived late to the class considering I had lost my way and Mr Bates , the math tutor, directed me to a seat, and to my dismay I am sitting next to Mj dude, would it kill the God's of high school drama to cut me some slack?.

After the lesson of calculus and third period I bumped into Miles and Lilly, and we three had entered the cafeteria during lunch. I placed a green apple on my tray, along with some grapes, and a meatloaf sandwich, while wisely declining a bowl of pomegranate. You wouldn't want to know what happens if I eat that.

Before the buzzer rang, I visited the restroom and surprisingly there weren't any preppy girls primping amd doing their make-up, but the ambience of the restroom was freaky. It's light was dimmed and and the stall furthest to the door seemed like it was enveloped in a darkness with a bit of light, and suddenly, as I looked at the mirror above the taps, I saw it again.

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