Chapter Thirty Five

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AFTER TWO HOURS of chalking up a pentagram on the floor, I step back to firstly uncramp my legs, and secondly to admire my handiwork.

I never would have thought my art could be this good... in a fairly creepy and demonic way that is.

"Damn Picasso and Michelangelo has nothing on you.", Eziahl drawls.

That earns a snicker from me and then a rebuttle of laughter comingfrom Eziahl.

Our laughter ceases as Merlia walks in the library with an emotionless expression.

"Now.", is all she simply says.

I nod as Eziahl gulps and takes his position at the door whilst Merlia surprises me with a hug.

"You got this kid.", she whispers with unshed tears in her eyes.

Damn chill out people it's not like I'm going to die or anything.

I take my postion infront of the pentagram , my foot touching the middle tip of the star and I inhale.

Merilia has somehow gotten the blessed daggers which seem to shine gold at the tips whenever I hold them.

I close my eyes and recall all my teachings that Merlia has instilled in me as I start summoning whatever this thing is.

"Ashala meŕùñś al vidas keurna cuanto".

I whisper the words seven times just as I was taught... but ... nothing happens.

Merlia frowns as does Eziahl.

"Well that was lame.", Eziahl mutters. But you know as they say... better late than never.

The temperature in the room starts to increase and like a sudden burst of fireworks, fire emits from the centre of the pentagram. 

Something takes a hold of me as I can't control my tongue and foreign words pour out, some I don't even recognize myself, and then... all goes quiet.

Eziahl opens his mouth, probably to say something dumb, when just then a gust of hot wind engulfs the pentagram again, but this time, something horrifying emerges.

The lights begin to flicker and the floor begins to tremble underneath my feet and a hellacious scream which has my ears bleeding again, is sounded.

I hear Merlia gasp and Eziahl gulp at the sight infront of us. This thing looks... terrible. It has a black body which floats like one of the demantors in those harry potter movies but... it drips with blood and very feminine features.

Its face is hallowed and burnt beyond recognition and blood seeps down its rotten cheeks.

It screeches again and I smell a breath of sulphur.

Definately a demon. One which is responsible for all my troubles.

I grab the dagger and aim to stab it just when I hear it speak.

"You wouldn't really do that to me would you?.", asks a soft feminine voice.

The dagger I was holding above my head drops with a clatter to the floor as I wonder if I heard wrong.

"I thought demons needed a mundane host to communicate.", whispers Merlia in disbelief.

But that is not what made me drop my dagger. It's the fact that I know that voice. All to well... only now it doesn't seem as soothing.

"Mom?.", I choke in disbelief.

Merlia gasps and Eziahls brows hit his hairline as he reaches for his dagger and starts towards me.

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