Chapter Ten

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"Are you okay?.", Mike asked.

I had to suppress a snarl because he dented my self esteem a bit.

"Fine.", I snapped. He furrowed his eyebrows at my tone of voice and pursed his lips.

He didn't question or push for anything, which was good because if he spoke one more word I would have punched him. It would probably feel like a feather on his toned muscles but nevertheless.

He grasped my hand again and we walked to the lake in silence. He lead me over to a wide rock at the shore of the lake. He kicked his Jordans off and bent down to untie the laces of my shoes. I felt like the ghetto version of Cinderella at the time.

He took of my shoes and raised an eyebrow at my two different socks. One was black with a mortal instrument symbol, the angelic power symbol to be exact, and the other was white with a duntless sign. Incase anyone didn't know, I am a fangirl. Books upon books, it's the one thing that never left me when everything seemed to be destroyed.

I simply shrugged my shoulders and the negative vibe I felt towards Mike wore off as well. I was being a bit too serious and taking his words to heart. Probably PMS right?.

"Come on weirdo with two weird socks.", he chuckled as he lead me to into the shallow water that only reached up to my ankles.

I shivered when my feet first touched the water, it was ice but as I relaxed my feet in the water, I didn't even notice the cold feeling.

"For your information those are my fandom symbols on my socks. I read alot, and thank you for calling me a weirdo.", I murmered.

He flashed his thousand watt smile at me with a wink thrown my way and led me to the rock. He climbed up on the huge rock and turned around, extending his hand to me.

I still have pride in my tomboy ways, so I knock his hand aside and hoist myself up onto the ledge and onto the rock while smirking at his dumbfounded expression.

"Wow.", he whispered, and continued to stare at me. He was staring so much to the point where he didn't even realize I settled my tush on the rock and began to relax.

I snapped my fingers in front of his face and he snapped out of his staring trance and took a seat right next to me. We both stared at the water which had an impeccable shine to the surface.

In the comfortable silence and breath taking view, I noticed a blue butterfly with gold specs on its wings fly by Mike and to me and set itself on my nose. Mike reached up to shoo it away but I caught ahold of his hand and held it down.

Butterflies are beautiful and I have never been touched by one, I looked at the butterfly from a vertical point of my sight and I could see Mike's shoulders shaking with silent laughter, because obviously my eyes were criss crossed at that moment.

The butterfly flew off of my nose and out of sight, probably searching for a flower.

"So what did you bring me here for?, I mean aside from plotting my murder.", I slug his shoulder playfully.

I raised my head and instead of seeing a small smile I am met with his serious expression.

He took a deep breath and another before he answered me.

"Look Audrey, I don't do the whole socializing thing with people, let alone people I just met a day ago, but I have no idea as to why I have the urge to want to help and know you but I do.", he let out a whiff of air from his mouth.

I searched his face and tried to read his emotions, but he sure kept a secure vault on his facial expressions when it came to emotions.

"After what happened today, it makes me question my knowledge of the world. I watch supernatural and I never once had the urge to believe in the supernatural, I mean having a shadow pop up in my face out of nowhere, it's just unreal and unexplainable.", he muttered.

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