Chapter Thirteen

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I wanted to break off the kiss because the door bell had rung, but Mike just kissed me harder. (Not that I am complaining might I add).

"Mike, the door.", I whispered against his lips.

"No they can wait.", he murmured and continued kissing me.

As much as I loved the kissing (because damn that was something else completely), I had use all my strength, not physical, my psychological strength, to push at his chest lightly.

He gave a defeated sigh and left me reluctanly, lowering me down from the wall with a gentle motion. He trailed his fingers down my cheek and dramatically left the room with a longing look. That propped a chuckle out of me.

I looked around his room, curious at the photo frame which was turned face down. I picked it up and gasped as I saw a beautiful woman, with chestnut coloured hair and the same brown eyes as Mike. This has to be his mother. I can see where he gets his looks from now.

I placed the frame back exactly as it was so it doesn't look as if I was snooping around. There has to be a reason why the frame was turned and not left on display for anyone. Just then I heard voices down.

"Dad I want you to meet someone.", Mike said.

"Yes, very funny Mike I am so sure that you have invited someone over. If this is one of your 'Meet my new Michael Jackson figurines' I will personally headlock you.", he's father laughed.

"As if you could headlock me oldman.", Mike's humor was refreshing to hear. It was obvious that his dad and him had a great relationship.

I heard footsteps on the stairs and suddenly started feeling very nervous. My palms became sweaty. I just stood like a statue and pretended to look at the thriller poster on the wall.

"Dad this is Audrey.", Mike quipped while entering his room with his dad.

His dad was a tall man, with warm blue eyes and salt and peppr hair. He looked professional in his black suit, well not processional at the moment since his jaw hung open and at the sight of me.

"OHMYGOD YOU ARE A REAL PERSON!.", he exclaimed to my surprise. He strode to me and extended his hand to me, which I took gracefully.

"As real as I can be sir.", I said. Mike raised his eyebrows at me and his father then chuckled. 

"Ah and she has a sense of humor and dear, can you please never ever call me sir again. I feel like I am eighty.", he joked and Mike  rolled his eyes.

"You're not far off from that age dad.", Mike muttered under his breath.

"I heard that Mike, this one, doesn't have a good sense of humor does he?.", he directed the question to me while motioning in Mike's direction. I couldn't hold in my laugh and chuckled.

"Glad to know you two are peas in a pod.", Mike deadpanned, but secretly smiled.

"We'll I'll leave you two to whatever you guys were doing... looks to me like you both were working on vectors on scalars.", he observed, while motioning to Mike's desk which had the textbook open.

"Actually dad, we were working with forces of attraction ... worked out pretty well. Audrey was having problems in that section.", Mike winked at me from behind his father.

I tried not to smile at his implication, but I was sure I was turing as red as a tomatoe.

"Well I'll leave you both to it. I have to get to a meeting, I had to come home because I had forgot the stupid contract. Oh and Audrey... make yourself at home. It has been since never that Mike has brought a friend home. Its refreshing to see.", he winked.

"Stop talking about me as if I am not here.", Mike scowled.

His dad rolled his eyes. "Yeah yeah come on king of drama.", he chuckled while slapping Mike on the back.

Did that literally just happen?. His dad is so cool. He is funny and hillarious... those two words mean the same thing but nevertheless.

I plopped myself onto the bed and looked around, noticing Mike's HUGE collection of Michael Jackson Merchandise. From cups, to key rings and even lip balm. He idolises Michael Jackson. I don't have to search the world for Michael Jackson's biggest fan because I think I just found him.

My mind drifted back to the sizzling kiss we had just shared some time ago. It was gentle but not gentle you know?. He never pushed for more and was patient and it was the most perfect moment ever. I kept thinking of his lips but was interrupted by a buzzing sensation on the bed. I glanced down to see his phone light up with a notification. I swear I did not snoop, but when I did glance down when the phone lit up, it was hard not to notice the message which had popped up on his notifications bar.

Lissa: Baby I still have your hoodie by the way. Bring yourself and your lips ... I miss you...

I couldn't read the rest because the notification bar had limited viewing. I couldn't read the rest, but I read enough. At this point I felt so used and pissed off. How could he kiss me while having a girlfriend.  I couldn't stomach the thought of my actions... even though it wasn't really my fault.

How could he do this?. He seemed so different. Well I can't compare him to anyone because number one he is literally the first boy I had ever interacted with apart from Miles. Well Miles doesn't count because he is my brother, and secondly I trusted him without knowing him. Wow... I guess that whole stranger danger thing is no joke.

I needed to get out of here and that included without him or his help. I grabbed a sticky note and scribbled on it.

'Sorry, had to leave in a rush. Thank you for all you have done... from rushing me to the hospital to getting me clean clothes, I really appreciate it. Take care Mike... and never ever come or talk to me ever again, and by the way... tell Lissa I said hi... and give her some kisses while you're at it'.

Satisfied with my note I placed it onto his phone and sneaked out of the room. I poked my head around the railings to see if I can spot Mike, but I head voices from another room, most probably the dining room.

I tiptoed down the stairs, with my pathetic excuse of a shoe, and walked like a cat to the door. I scanned the place and Mike wasn't in sight. I opened the door with such delicacy that it didn't make a sound, and I walked as fast as I could and tried to navigate myself back to Lorraines place.

I was so mad!. I had never felt betrayed like this ever, and I am probably overreacting because he is still a stranger.

I scowled at myself and headed right, past the town square which sells amazing beignets, and marched in the direction of the house.

I passed many people begging and my heart cried out to them. They looked so helpless with tattered clothes in this harsh winter. Maybe I could help some of them with the savings I had?. I was brainstorming ideas when I realised I had stopped walking. I looked to my right and saw a dark alley way and just like that, it happened again.

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