Chapter Nine

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We drove pass trees, and more trees... and more until I got dizzy of the trees surpassing me in blind motion. It was like a flash of green.

Mike drove steadily and deeper into the forest? I guess or wherever he was going. The leaves looked amazing and green and full of life, where as some branches grew into weird shapes that reminded me of creepy horror movies.

We came to a halt at a large baobab tree. Usually baobab's were indigenous African tree's. I wonder what it was doing here.

Suspended in my thoughts, I didn't notice Mike getting off of the car. He opened my door and snapped his fingers in front of my face.

"Come on Ghost Chick I want to show you something.", he muttered.

Show me what exactly?. A thousand ways to kill a girl you don't know and then stash her in the earths crust?. Sure why not. I rolled my eyes at my obnoxious sub conscious.

"So are you going to kill me or something?", I asked casually.

His eyebrows shot up in that arch again and he barked out a laugh.

"You seem to watch too many serial killer documentaries little girl.", he chuckled.

"Hey I'm not little!, size is a product of opposite reaction.", I protested at his use of the term 'little girl' on me.

He just shook his head and chuckled more. He grasped my hand and pulled me up from my seat, slowly and gently. He steadied me on my feet and still had a hold on my hand.

"Let me just confirm, that I am not here to kill you. I just want to show you a special place... and well we obviously need to talk because whatever had been processed in my brain today is all in a huge junk pile and I need some answers.", he smiled.

He's smile is the most gorgeous thing about him so far. He should do it more often, smile. It makes him seem less "terminator".

"Really?. I remind you of the terminator?.", he asked with a tone of disbelief.

Did I say that out loud? Oh no.

"Please tell me you didn't say that out loud.", I added.

He flashed his pearly whites at me, "Sure,you didn't say it out loud.", he teased.

We walked hand in hand, with his left hand guiding me steadily incase I fall. The rubble felt good under my converse. Which reminds me I need new shoes. As we faded deeper into the forest like tree thing place (I really have no idea if it's a forest or some creepy park) , the creepiness began to fade and flowers came into view.

I lived in New Orleans my entire life, how did I not know this place?. We trekked down a trail in comfortable silence and I took in the beauty of everything. The creeoy branches were no longer in sight, but my eye's did catch the Lavenders on the path, as well as Roses, Tulips and a plant I really love, the Belladonna.

They are beautiful flowers which are toxic but I am drawn to them.

The flowers were breath taking, and what made my excitement grow was the liliac humming birds perching itself on a stem of a bell plant and hoisting it's slender beak into the plant and doing its business.

I stopped to look at the vines from the tree, which made everything seem so mysterious as if theres a secret path behind those vines.

I was so caught up in the beauty of the place when I didn't even realize I stopped, and Mike's hands was no longer holding mine.

I turned and met the sight of Mike, with his folded arms, seeming so relaxed, and staring at me at the same time.

"Why are you looking at me?.", I question, and cock my head to the side, propping my right hand on my hip.

He chuckled and replied: "Because you're beautiful.", he winked at me.

"Did you just quote John Green?.", I ask, and I know I am blushing.

"Yes... yes I did.", he smiled softly. I could get used to nice Mike. He's sweet.

"But for the record it was just a quote, you do know you're not pretty.", he suddenly snapped.

I'm not going to lie, that hurt. I know I am not compared to those bean pole models you find during fashion week, but there could have been a less brutal way of telling a girl how she looks.

Tears welled up in my eyes. I don't cry. Its not my thing. I slink back the tears like a pro and forced a laugh.

He seemed to catch on that what he had said upset me because he started to feel  guilty and he was just about to grab my arm and probably appologise for that uncalled comment because he saw the tears in my eyes, but instead I turned like the flash and skipped towards the vines, pretending I am intrested in the vines.

It can't be hard pretending, considering that I am genuinely instrested in the beauty of this place. I traced my hands along the vines and moved the vines apart like I was drawing a curtain. 

I heard reluctant footsteps coming towards me so I stepped forward, only to be on the other side of the vines from the tree, and what a sight it was.

It was a lake, with grenish blue water,or in the scientific and rightful color, turquoise.
There were pebbles stones to cross the shallow water and a waterfall at the top of the lake mountain banks. This place is stunning.

And just as I was getting lost in the beauty, my mood was spoilt when I heard Mike's  voice.

"Beautiful isn't it?. Its one of my special places.", he said.

I didn't want to hear anything from him because I'm not pretty enough. Why does it feel weird when he dismissed me like that?. His opinions dont matter to me.

Cryptic answers will have to do for this time.

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