Chapter Eleven

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I felt the water which was ice against my body. I held my breath as the water drenched my body, and then I also felt arms snake themselves around my waist, hoisting me to the surface.

I turned and was met with the smirk of Mike. My eyes blazed with anger.

"How dare you!. I can't swim you idiot what were you thinking!.", I growl.

He just burst out laughing and held me from falling and probably drowning.

"That's what you get for throwing a rock at me.", he shined those pearly whites at me and I rolled my eyes.

I was very well aware of his body which was pressed up against mine, and I ignored the warmth I felt from him.
I felt the pressure of his hands on me, and I needed him to let me go for a while before I do something dumb and kiss him.

"Let me go.", I grumbled.

He raised his eyebrow at me, "Okay but if you drown that's on you.", my eyes widen as I temporarily forgot that I can't swim and he losen his grip on my hips and before I could get a chance to hit the water and probably drown, I wrap my legs around his waist and literally jump on the guy.

He stills for just a minute and wraps his hands around me while he whispers.
"I wouldn't have let you drown Audrey.", my heart rate which was steady just a minute ago, began to quicken up.

I didn't want to let go of him but I had to. I was already embarrassed for not knowing how to swim and to make it worse, I climbed him like a tree.

I loosened my legs from his waist and was just about to use his arms for support, when he gripped my legs and locked them back into place where they were.

"It's fine, you're feather weight, I can manage with this position.", his voice, now raspy, whispered into my ears.

I locked eyes with him and everything seemed to stand still. The depth of his chocolate brown eyes were stunning. He leaned in, slowly, very slowly. I felt his lips brush against mine and goosebumps immediately took place on my skin.

Nothing could ever ruin this moment, his soft lips against mine, that is until I felt something pull me under, only this time... it was not Mike.

My arms sting from whatever has grabbed ahold of me. I hear Mike faintly screaming my name while I am being submerged deeper into the water. My eyes burn as I open them under water and then I see it.

I am face to face with the gruesome creature. It has red eyes which has a black hollow pupil and nails that looked mangled with dry blood. It had black long hair which looked like a rope under the water and it was all skin and bones.

I could feel my lungs burning as I couldn't hold my breath for much longer. I tried to grab ahold of the amulet that Jenny had given me, only to feel nothing on my chest. It must have fallen into the water when Mike dunked me in.

I struggled as it pulled me, scraping the skin on my arms and digging into my flesh. I closed my eyes and screamed incoherently under the water. I felt the scream of the creature as whatever I tried to say came out of my mouth, and just like that it was gone.

I let out whatever breath I had screaming underwater and I was surely going to die because I don't know how to swim. I tried kicking my legs as I struggled to hold my mouth shut and tried not to suck in any water.

As if on cue, I felt someones hands around my waist and I was brought to the surface of the lake, while sputtering a great deal of water out of my mouth.


He knelt before me and tore a piece of fabric from his shirt and tied it around my now fully bleeding arm. My eyes trailed to the water where I saw it again and Mike turned and his eyes widened as he exclaimed.

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