Chapter Nineteen

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"Oooowwwwww!", howled Lorraine, who was carrying a tray filled with a variety of sandwiches and my favorite beverage. Lemonade.

She howled so loudly that even Eziahl had gotten startled and jumped up from his chair and drawing out a dagger from his boots. When he saw it was Lorraine, he did his magic trick again and his weapons were no longer there.

"Are you okay Lorraine?.", I ask with genuine concern as to why she was howling five seconds ago.

"Yes, but I swear if toe stubbing was a sport, I would be the champion.", we chuckled at that and for the first time I heard Eziahls deep laughter. It was a beautiful sound. He caught me looking and frowned.

I stepped forward and took the tray from Lorraine and placed it in the middle of my bed, right on the avada kadavra symbol. Yes I love Harry Potter.

"Okay if you guys need anything let me know.", she winked at me and pulled my door shut.

She winked!. Oh no. I hope she doesn't think that anything is going on here because literally nothing is happening. I ignore the wink and I groan at the smell of the amazing sandwiches before me.

Eziahls eyebrows shot up in surprise as I stuffed my mouth with a ham sandwich.

"Whaf?, hamemt you seem mmf giwl eaf mefore?.", I spoke with my mouth full. He just chuckled and shook his head at me as I stuffed my mouth.

After I finished a whole sandwich I turned to Eziahl. "Aren't you going to eat at all?.", I asked.

He then came and plopped himself on my bed and picked up a sandwich and munched in small bites. I suddenly felt like a total vaccume machine with the way I ate.

I then take smaller bites instead of stuffing my mouth like I usually would. I notice a chuckle coming from Eziahl.

"What?.", I ask. I hope I didn't feed my face or something. Well knowing me I probably did.

"Nothing, it's just that you're trying so hard not to come off as a slob.", he chuckled louder.

I am honestly shocked at his behavior. I haven't seen him crack a smile or be nice when I had met him. Well it's only been a few hours since I met my 'protector', so I don't know much about him do I?.

"Why are you suddenly different?.", I blurt.

He frowns as he finishes chewing. "What do you mean.", he questions.

"I mean you're less protector and more normal. I haven't seen you crack a smile when we met a few hours ago and you're smiling now. Oh my word!. You're possessed aren't you?.", I end on a teasing note so I don't come of accusatory.

He smiled at that but frowned again. While I braced myself for a rude remark he had surprised me.
"It's not that I am impolite. I just take my job seriously. Being a young protector is where most mistakes are made and while I would like to be a normal teenager, there is just no stopping the inevitable right?. There is nothing normal about us. So while I'd like to indulge in your dry humor, I have to be on alert.", he said as a matter of factly.

I nodded. I secretly scanned his face and he was beautiful. In a protector sorta way I guess.

"I know I am beautiful but you can stop ogling me now.", he said in amusement and I snapped my head away from his face amd my cheeks flamed in embarrassment. Damn. Caught red handed. If I was a spy I wouldn't have made it even for ten minutes.

I nervously laughed. Then my mind drifted to Mike. I really thought there was something there. Not that I would know anything about dating or whatever, heck he was my first kiss. I sure as hell didn't know if I could kiss or not. Maybe you couldn't kiss properly and he hated it, chirped my anxiety.

"You ever had a girlfriend?.", I blurt. Eziahl choked in his sandwich and I just giggled at his reaction.

"Why do you want to know, it's my life.", he snapped angrily.
I just asked, it wasn't a big deal, but I think I touched on a topic that was uncharted territory, but that still doesn't give him the right to snap at me.

I didn't say anything after that. Everyone keeps getting angry at me and I am sick of it. I do nothing to anyone. My therapist said "Don't bottle anything up even if it is small, let anything you want out. Keeping things in can cause an explosion.", dumb therapist. Where has been open and straightforward ever gotten me?.

Tears welled up in my eyes yet I refused to cry. Sign of weakness and all that. I wasn't tearing up because of Eziahls snappy attitude. Just everyone in general. I mean my whole childhood with my so called 'family', was a complete lie. The first guy I ever liked decided to hurt me in the worse way ever and the person I thought could be a great friend also snapped at me. Not to mention my life is in danger of blood sucking demons, wait blood suckers are vampires right?.

I think he noticed my tears because he's face softened and immediately became guilty.

"I'm so-", he started but I cut him off.
"Don't.", I muttered coldly. "I am sick of being nice to people and getting nowhere so don't bother appologizing, I'm used to it.", I hopped off the bed ready to walk away, I have no idea where, when he gripped my wrist and yanked me back hard against his chest. He was just on the other side of the bed, damn flash like movement.

"Audrey I am sorry for snapping at you. You've been through alot today and I just made it worse I am really sorry.", he said in the softest voice ever. How could I be angry at a genuine apology?.

I looked up and scanned his features and any anger I had, had vanished. He was genuinely sorry.

I reached my hand up and he stiffened, but when I traced his scar he relaxed. I was scared to ask him about the scar which looked like a symbol on his face, but I needed to.

"How did this happen?.", I whisper and I am aware of how close we are but there is nothing going. He sucked in a deep breath and sighed.

"When you asked me about having a girlfriend... I did have one. Her name was Justine. I loved her with all of my heart, but little did I know I fell in love with a demon who was posing as my girlfriend to get close to the Medilar link. It's a link like symbol that gives power to the high chains. High chains are like a stairway between hell and heaven. He who possess the most power shall rule the kingdoms above. So she played me all along to get a job done for a higher demon. Demons are cunning litte things.", he ended on a nasty note.

He didn't want sympathy, I knew that, but everyone needs a hug every once in a while. I wrapped my hands around him snd pulled him in for a hug.

He froze in shock but then hugged me back. We stayed embraced for a while and non of it was weird. It wasn't a hug meant for lust or anything romantic even. It was just a hug of mutal pain which we both can relate to.

"Oh my, I'm interrupting something I'm so sorry!.", screetched Lorraine. We both jumped apart like cats when they are being sprayed by water.

"No mam, I was just leaving so yeah I am going to get going.", Eziahl said awkwardly.

"Don't call me mam, what is up with everyone trying to make me seem old or boring. I have a name, it's called Lorraine, use it.", she joked.

At that we chuckled. Eziahl motioned that he has to go so I walked out of the room, ignoring that weird winking thing that Lorraine is doing at the same time.

After reaching the bottom of the stairs, he stopped and turned to Lorraine.

"The sandwiches was amazing Lorraine, you should he on masterchef.", he winked.

She laughed and blushed at the same time.
"Oh stop.", she laughed.

I walked him to the porch and very awkwardly waved. He smiled. "Don't forget I'll be here outside your window, try not to think I am a demon and kill me.", he joked.

"I'll try.", I laughed. I watched him walk away until he was out of sight and then headed back inside the house. As I closed the door I was met with Lily, Miles and Lorraine sitting at the counter with huge grins on their faces.

Oh boy.

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