Chapter Twenty-One

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My head began contracting and I felt as if I was going to die. I tried breathing but whatever had gotten ahold of me, was squeezing the hell out of my tiny neck.

I couldn't see anything though. I tossed in the grasp of something I couldn't see and winced as the grip against my neck tightened.

I then glanced at the mirror and saw what had a hold of me.

It was most definately the most scariest thing I have ever seen. It's jagged teeth seethed of a toxic hiss and a gooey black substance dripped onto the rug which was on the floor. The substance burned the rug and a sulphur like smell filled the air. I began to wheeze, from both the lack of oxygen and the sulphur smell.

Damn it!. I kicked ineffectively at the creature, probably hurting my tiny fists rather than its ugly body. It opened it's mouth and my ears started begging for mercy. Oh how it hurts.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh.", I yelled in agony. My nose was most definately bleeding at this point. I could now feel a copper taste from my upper lip and it doesn't take Einstien to figure out that my lip was spilt and bleeding.

Suddenly the creature had thrown me against the wall and my hand had started bleeding, provided it was the same hand the water demon had split open. Damn blood. I hate blood.

I woke up on shaky legs despite myself and glared at the monster dead in the eye, it was obviously false bravery but I'll take it. It launched for me and I jumped out of the way, landing hard onto the floor. I clutched my ribs as it screamed in pain. Like what the heck. I wish I could just get up like people in action movies. I scrambled up from the floor and bolted for the door, only to pull it and get thrown back into the window by a wind like force.

I howled in pain as I felt pieces of glass piercing my ribs. I ignored the pain and clenched my fists. The damn thing is determined to puncture holes into my petite body. Like hey would it kill the thing to not make me look like roadkill.

"Leave me alone!.", I shriek and grab my throbbing head and I crawl across the hardwood floor. Barely moving an inch.

Then by some good grace I hear the sound of the door banging.

"Audrey!. Are you okay?!. Why are you screaming!?.", yelled my mom from the other side of the door.

As I open my mouth to speak it hisses at me and reaches for me once more. My heart begins thudding so hard I feel I might just have a heart attack and die at this very moment.

I can barely move and I am scared that this is it. It is my last moment alive. I always dreamed of dying cliff diving or something, but being killed by a demon is pretty close I guess. I clenched my eyes shut as I block out the pounding on the door as well as the demon or whatever it is, infront of me. I wait for my demise when I see a bright light and the horrific howl of something. Am I going to heaven now?.

I slowly open my eyes to see God standing in front of me with a glowing sword on his waist. Wait hold up!. I squint my eyes to shake off the blurry vision and see that it is Eziahl who has miraculously come to my rescue with a glowing thing in his hand along with his. It seemed to burn the demons eyes and he retreated further towards the window, while howling and I could feel more blood trickling down my face, but it was coming from my ears.

The door which my mom was pounding on had finally given way and it burst open with her stumbling in. Did she try tackling the door open?!.

She shrieked as she took in the sight of the creature which was still howling in pain. Which reminds me I need to have the birds and the demons talk with her. She was in utter shock and started shivering, either from fear or the ice cold room.

Eziahl then drew out his long silver sword which had a cross and various symbols engraved on the handle of it. I shrieked and held my head as it silently screamed when Eziahl had pierced its head with the sword.

The creature didn't make a sound, yet it sounded like horror to my ears. I screamed and twitched on the floor. I felt someone kneel down and embrace me in a hug while stroking my head with shaky hands and assuring me everything is okay. I look up and see its my mom. She is still in shock no doubt, but she is here for me.

The creature then literally vaporized into the sword. It dissapeared in a puff of black and the substance which was emitted from it, had been sucked up into the sword. Eziahl glanced at me with a pained expression or disgust?. I don't know I can't see very clearly. He kneeled down and lifted me up from my mom's arms and it was all a blurry haze, as he stepped over the mess on the floor and got me out of the room.

"Where can I put her Lorraine?.", I hear Eziahls voice faintly.

"The gu-guest room.", my mom stuttered. "What happened to her and what was that?. We need to get her to the hospital she is hurt.", sobbed my mom.

"Lorraine, this is a huge shock but there's alot that needs to be explained but not right now, and we cannot take her to the hospital at the moment. We have to get her cleaned up though.

He laid me on the soft bed and immediately my mom ran out of the room like am athlete. I offered Eziahl a weak smile. "Thank you. ", I croak.

"Shit, Audrey you don't say thank you, it's my job. I'm just glad I got there in time.", he said in a tone of relief.

My mom ran back in the room, this time with a first aid box in hand. I see her dab cotton wool into antiseptic and she starts wiping at my forehead and then at my lip. I wince at the pain but then my vision blurred and I felt myself consumed by darkness as my eyes closed.

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