Chapter Sixteen

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My heart sped up as my head starting thinking a mile a minute. I struggled to get words out of my mouth at this point.

"W-what do you mean not my blood family?. That was my mom and uncle and everybody. They were family, normal, nothing about demons or anything how is ?- no you're lying to me and I don't even know you to believe you.", I snarled.

She just sighed and brought the thick book in front of me and dusted it with her slender fingertips just after dumping it into my hands. I opened the book hesitantly as to what I might find. What truths does this book hold?.

"I can assure you Audrey I have no reason to lie to you. This is the truth and it is who you are. Open the book.", she commanded.

With shakey amd trembling hands I managed to open the book. I was met with a gust of wind and a sudden blinding caused by a bright light which was expelled from the book, and the next thing I know I am transported to this place. I look around and don't see Merlia or Eziahl.

I then take in my surroundings and I am in... my family home!. I look around the house which is the same but different. Instead of the modern decor we had back then, there was dull walls and dim lighting.

"Audrey come here!", I hear a womans voice but it sounds more like an echo, and before my eyes is a little girl with chestnut pigtails running in a gold dress. That girl is me.

I reach out to touch her but my hand just goes through her... and it never fazed her. I am standing in what I think is the dining room and everything is moving around me and it feels like I have been in this situation before.

I see the little girl running towards a woman. Tall and slender, yet lean. With chestnut hair exactly like mine. She is dressed in metal armor and has a bow and arrow on her back, along with small viles filled with clear liquid all around her waist. The woman also has a sword holstered on her right hip. This woman... looks just like me, but she does have a scar running from her neck to I don't know where. I see the little girl ... which is me... running towards the lady with outstretched arms.
"Mommy!. I missed you mommy.", I hear the little girl saying, while leaping into the womans arms.

The womans eyes warmed as she takes sight of the little girl in and embraces her with so much of affection. Suddenly the womans eyes started watering and a few tears escaped. She swiftly wipes them away though and forces a smile on her face.

She then crouches down to the little girl.

"Audrey, you do know mummy loves you, no matter what till the end of time, and sometimes we as parents have to do things we don't want to do, just to protect our children. You won't remember this but I know you will keep this in your heart my butterfly. Whenever the world seems to come crashing down all you have to do is breathe my sweet one. I love you so much Audrey, I can't have you in danger and you're too young for this. This is mommy's favourite pendant. Keep it with you as always.", she murmured, while placing a pendant around the little girls neck.
The pendant which my grandmother had given me. I instinctively clutched it in my hand and watch the scene unfold infront of me.

The woman pulls out the sword and taps it onto the little girl, while whispering a few words I can't hear let alone understand. The little girl falls and before she can hit the ground, the woman catches her in her arms while sobbing uncontrollably.

Just then another person enters the room and this time I know her. My grandmother.

"It was the right thing to do Aleidth.", my grandmother said and caught the woman in an embrace while she sobbed.

After a little while, the woman broke away from my grandmothers embrace and gave her a weak smile before picking up a black leather carry on shoulder bag and marching to the door.

"Take care of my daughter mom", she said and gave the little girl who was unconscious a final glance... and then she was gone.

The gust of wind returned, along with the  blinding light and I seemed to have been warped back to where I was.

I was still very much in shock at what I had seen and only snapped out of my reverie when Merlia had snatched the book from my hand and placed it back in the bookshelf.

"Are you okay?", Eziahl asks gently. I can't find the words to say anything so I just nod.

Merlia walks to me and gives me a small smile.
"What you just went through was a time lapse Audrey. A memory. Your mother had wiped traces of her off your memory so you could lead a normal life and those memories are preserved in the silith book. I know this is hard but all of this was for your own good. Your mom is very much alive but it's not exactly a good thing.", she said.

Finally I found my voice at that moment.
"Why?. Why did she leave?.", I ask, my voice trembling.

Merlia and Eziahl shared a look and a dreadful expression passed on Merlia's face.
She took a deep breath and answered me with an answer that had me gobsmacked.

"She has demon blood in her veins.", Merlia said in a disdainful tone.

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