Chapter Twenty Five

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"Owwwwwwwww!.", I screech, as I am thrown to the hard mat again. Damn mat. It is more like a bed of hard concrete.

"Come on!. For the hundredth time, BLOCK!.", Eziahl says for like the millionth time.

Firstly I am not weak. I just have a height disadvantage along with slow reflexes because I am lazy. I just finished school not so long ago and here I am at the Medilar training with Eziahl. 

"I'm trying here!. Need I not remind you that I don't know anything about combat because I read and literally would never move a muscle.", I groan as my arm feels like a huge log.

"I told you the books served no purpose in your life. It's useless. Dumb. Stup-, Owwwww! Holy Mother of moo moo owww Dear God!.", Eziahl yelps in pain. I think I crushed his windpipe with that strike. I quickly crouch down to check if he is okay and instantly feel guilty... but on the other hand... he did insult my books... yeah no sympathy from me.

I wake up and dust my white jeans, which is now an intresting remix of dirt and what I hope is mud.

"Note to self. Pick on the books if I want you to put in an effort. ", he says while still coughing like he is infected with some disease.

I smirk and hand him my hand to haul himself up and just as I extend my hand, he pulls me down and I fall onto the ground... or more specifically, onto him.

Something changes in his expression and his expression falls. I have no idea what emotion passed through his eyes but it was gone so fast. He just stared into my eyes and I was a little bit intimidated.

"Ahem.", we hear a throat clearing from the door and we both look up and see Merlia standing there. We both spring apart as if I am a cat and he is water.

We nervously looked around the room and could feel Merlia's questioning glance towards us.

"You guys done for the day?.", Merlia says, finally breaking up the awkward silence.

"Yeah, she almost killed me because I insulted literature.", he deadpans.

Merlia lets out a laugh and then shakes her head.

"Okay you two. Head on up to the library I'll be there with a steaming pot of tea.", she said cheerfully.

Eziahl looked at me and started laughing. "What?.", I asked.

"Nothing. You look homeless right now though.", he chuckled.


I rolled my eyes and headed up to the library with an ache in my legs and hands. My legs hurt the most because believe it or not , Eziahl feels like a huge brick.

I struggle up the stairs but make it to the library in one piece. As soon as I find the nearest plush surface, I place my butt onto the chair and sigh in relief.

Eziahl obviously looks all in shape, no sweat or even heavy breathing. Lucky shit. He leans against the wall while taking a swig of water from his water bottle.

Merlia enters the room, carrying said teapot and on a fancy tray with some accompaniments. My stomach involuntry growls at the delicious aroma of the cheese pastry thing she's got going on the tray.

"Well you need to be here every day after school for physical and mental training. There is going to be alot of people who is going to need your help.", Merlia says, as she pours a cup of her steaming tea into a cup and passes it to the table I am seated at.

I take a sip and wince as I gulped a scalding amount of tea down my throat. Stupid hunger... or is it thirst?.

She laughs and Eziahl just chuckles on that wall which he seems glued to.

Merlia's laughter is stopped short as her face turns serious and she gazes at me intensely till the point where I am no longer comfortable.

I let out a nervous laugh and Eziahl seems to notice the stare as well and he lowers his cup and stares back at Merlia.

"We need to talk about the prophesy.", she sighs, finally breaking the awkward tension. At that moment, from the corner of my eye, I noticed Eziahl tense and his body going rigid. If anything he is starting to look constipated.

"What is the prophesy that everyone is telling me about?.", I ask.

Merlia takes in a shaky breath while Eziahl sucks in a sharp breath. This is going to sound super clichè but something tells me this isn't going to end very well...

Merlia suddenly frowns. "Wait. What do you mean everyone is telling you about said prophesy?.

Oh right!. I never mentioned anything to anyone about Jenny.

"Uhm, just my neighbour at my old house. As I was growing up, she kept on harping about my 'gift' and on the first day of school, when I was in the bus, I saw a demon behind her for the very first time.", I ramble, waiting for Merlia to say something. 

I expected her to say something, but instead she shrieked and dropped her tea cup, shattering it against the marble floors.

Eziahl snapped out of whatever trance he was transfixed on and we both rushed to Merlia because she was gone pale. Like worse than Edward vampire pale.

Eziahl shook her shoulders until she snapped out of her panic attack or whatever that was, while I cleaned up the remainder of the glass that was scattered on the floor in rapid speed.

"What's wrong Merlia.", Eziahl asked in a worried tone as I placed my hand on Merlia's back to soothe her. She relaxed but then her eyes full of fear met mine and I had a sinking feeling.

"Merlia, what is going on?.", I ask carefully in a low tone to ensure I demand an answer.

"She-the-.", Merlia stumbles in dribs and drabs before finally spitting out words that has my head reeling.

"She's a demon!. She is your mother!. She could take a form of anything. Please Audrey, tell me that you didn't release any facts about your abilities.", she pleaded.

Well this is going to be awkward...

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