Chapter Thirty One

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The same sickening feeling strikes me as I walk through that damn portal which makes me want to hurl everytime. Damn Eziahl pulled me in without any warning.

"We have to hurry and get him to the infirmary as his wounds are getting more severe.", Eziahl says, while I nod and open the massive doors leading to the other part of the Medilar. I watch as Eziahl rushes through the doors.

I need a clear mind so I decide to go out back to the beautiful garden which is filled with the toxic belladonnas. I walk and walk until I find a spot on the grass and sit.

This world isn't for Mike or any of my family, that's specifically Lorraine and Miles and Lily and to an extent... Mike.

Things were just going great and Mike had to get hurt by a friken demon. As I sit on the ground and contemplate and contemplate... I finally decide that theres only one thing left to do.

I wake up and dust all the dry grass that had held in to my jeans, and I walk to the Medilar to check on Mike.

My heart breaks when I see his bruised body. Eziahl probably senses my thoughts and frowns but walks out of the room to give Mike and I some privacy.

"There's my beautiful girl.", he smiles as I approach him. I place a fake smile on my face and walk to him.

"Ah hell baby. Don't look at me like that. Im indestructible.", he jokes , while wiggling his eyebrows.

That is the thing though. He is not indestructible. I lean down and place a kiss to his soft lips.

"I'm just glad that you're okay.", I say around a hiccup as I feel like crying.

Eziahl walks in with a smug look on his face.

"Okay you two gross love birds. We have to get going since Mike isn't as banged up as it seemed. You need to go and get ready for another session with her. Merlia is requesting you.", Eziahl says, with a look that tells me it is nothing good.

I give Mike a hug and a kiss before Eziahl, again without warning, opens a portal and drags Mike with him. His poor tummy.

After the portal closes I walk numbly to the Lezech and barely acknowledge the howls ... thanks to my training.

I open the door and walk in to a very disheveled Merlia. She looks panicked.

"Hey, calm down what happen?.", I ask as I approach a pacing Merlia who looks like she has been crying.

"She's coming.., she is coming for all of us.", She yells.

I am more confused then ever. Who?. Before I could ask her she spills.

"Your mom. She wants to wipe out the existence of the Medilar and of mediums including yourself. There has being reports of a higher demon attack north of New Orleans. There is only one demon who has the ability to turn someone into rotting flesh just by a mere touch.", she whimpers.

I am afraid of what she will say next. I may not have spent a whole lifetime with my mom, but after the visions of my past were shown to me, I realised that I do love my mother deeply. Demon or not.

"Audrey you have to kill it. You're the only one who can. Any child born from a demon who has the innocence is something special. You have to understand that this is what is best for everyone.", She says.

I digest her words, my mind working millions of miles per second. I need space.

"I shall do whatever I can Merlia but right now I just need some space.", I say, while she nods.

I head out of the Medilar, using the route that doesn't need a portal and walk through the enchanted door that apparently only works for higher mediums such as myself.

I walk through the glowing shards and end up in my room and almost jump out of the window when I see Mike casually going through my underwear drawer.

"What are you doing!.", I growl, whole grabbing my black heart underwear and shoving it back in the drawer. He just laughs and sits on my bed.

"I am going through some exciting pieces of lingerie.", he says, as if he didn't break the cardinal rule of personal boundaries.

I roll my eyes but then snap my eyes to his feature's which were bruised earlier on.

"How are you not bruised?.", I ask in a whisper as I reach up to touch his face.

"Because Eziahl did some weird thing with his sword that rid me from any scars.", he mock whispers back to me.

"So you're okay.", I say in a relieved tone.

"Yes I am more than okay. Infact...", he says, and suddenly picks me up and slams me to my door, which makes a thud sound.

He then attacks my neck with his kisses and I immediately get that tingly sensation I seem to have whenever he is around me.

Thank God that Lorraine isn't here or else this would be embarrassing.

He kisses me and presses himself against me and I think I moan. I hope not.

Judging from his smile against my lips I think I did. His hands find way to my shirt and it's lifted from my body.

He pauses to check if this is okay and I nod. He looks down at the black bra I am wearing and he groans. I blush because no one has ever seen me like this.

"You have no idea how beautiful you are when you blush. No idea.", he says while lowering his head to kiss the swell of my breasts.

I jerk unexpectedly as his hands reach into my bra and lightly pinches my skin.

"Red is a good color on you.", He murmurs, while lowering me on the floor. He steps behind me and removes his shirt. I gasp as I see our reflection in the mirror. He is gorgeous. He snakes his hands around my waist and pulls me to his front, that has me squirming since I am indeed inexperienced.

"Can I?.", he asks, while toying with the buttons on my jeans. I nod and a wave of electricity passes through me when he unbottons my pants. He squats down to remove my jeans and I assist by stepping out of them. As soon as I am in nothing but my underwear and bra, he picks me up and pushes me to the wall again.

He kisses and bites every ounce of skin he can reach and he suddenly snaps my bra off and tosses it onto the floor.

I'm starting to make alot of sounds that I didn't even know was possible and only seemed to fuel him even more.

I leap out of his grasp and place my hands on his belt which I start undoing. He steps out of his pants and steps behind me.

His hands travel from my breasts to the elastic of my underwear.

He slips his hands in and boy do I moan.

I start thrashing against him as I feel myself getting closer and closer until finally my legs give out and he scoops me up and tosses me gently onto the bed.

"If this is going too fast I need you to tell me.", he says.

It is going too fast but I need this. I need to feel this because it is my first and last time I am going to be with him. It's for his own safety and everyone elses. I mute out that thought and I surprise him by grabbing him and pulling him on top of me, while kissing him hard.

He growls and reaches into my book which is on my newly fixed head board and grabs the foil packet which I used as a bookmark.

He removes his underwear and I gawk in fascination.

"Like what you see?.", he smirks while I smile.

"Are you sure?.", he asks again while sheathing himself as he comes to rest between my legs.

"Yes.", I whisper, as he finally completes his task. I screw my eyes shut as I struggle a bit as it's my first time, but he makes this moment special. There is nothing but genuine bliss.

Nothing could ever ruin what just happened... that is until I leave him...

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